ACE Training Center
Διεύθυνση Χώρου Διεξαγωγής:
3 HOMER AVENUE, Έγκωμη, 1097
Επικοινωνία Χώρου Διεξαγωγής:
Αντιγόνη Μενελάου
Περιγραφή Χώρου Διεξαγωγής
Our purpose is to provide consulting and training services to businesses and professionals aiming the continuous improvement and development. Our main goal is to provide practical skills and tools with which you can improve your professional skills, efficiency, quality and productivity. Starting from the theoretical training (seminars), our training centre is always there, through its consultants, to implement in practice the methodology presented during training, in your daily professional activity. Our team of consultants and associates have high level of knowledge and professional experience to create innovative and specialized seminars and top quality consulting services that will serve the objectives of ACE TRAINING.
Ace Training & Development Centre, is based in Nicosia and is a leader in training, offering the best in continuing education and development. We focus on providing strategically effective solutions on educational issues, professional qualifications and internationally recognized certifications. The consultants of Ace Training & Development Centre can offer consulting and training services to subjects listed on our website as well as on specific issues that may be of interest to you and we can develop and tailor to suit the needs of your business. Ace Training & Development Centre supports lifelong learning, as we believe educating people enables quality improvement in society at all levels.
Όνομα Αίθουσας
Όνομα ΑίθουσαςΑίθουσα 1 | Τετρ. Μέτρα- | Χωρητικότητα- | Εικόνα/ΉχοςΝαι | |
Πρόσβαση ΑμΕΑΌχι | Υπηρεσία ΚαφέΝαι | ΓεύμαΌχι | Wi-FiΝαι |
Πιστοποιήσεις Χώρου Διεξαγωγής
Πιστοποίηση Χώρου Διεξαγωγής | Φορέας Πιστοποίησης |
Εγκεκριμένες Δομές Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης (ΔΕΚ) | ΑνΑΔ |