Cyprus College Nicosia

Cyprus College Nicosia

Διεύθυνση Χώρου Διεξαγωγής:

Διογένους 6, Έγκωμη, 2404

Περιγραφή Χώρου Διεξαγωγής

The School of Professional Studies provides a range of open training seminars for tax, audit, accounting, management, etc. to finance professionals. Providing relevant and up to date information, The School of Professional Studies helps you stay on top of all the latest developments whilst meeting your professional body’s CPD requirements.

Our specialist training seminars are organized twice yearly in March-June and September-December. The seminars are planned taking into account what is happening in the professional environment. The seminars are designed to cover a selection of highly topical and specialist areas.

Our tutors are very experienced and knowledgeable professionals who match theory with practice aiming to reward you with the maximum benefit by attending our seminars.

We can also deliver any of our open seminars as an in-house seminar, making the seminar more relevant to your company’s needs. Furthermore the School of Profess

Όνομα Αίθουσας
Όνομα Αίθουσας
Αίθουσα 1
Τετρ. Μέτρα
Πρόσβαση ΑμΕΑ
Υπηρεσία Καφέ
Πιστοποιήσεις Χώρου Διεξαγωγής
Πιστοποίηση Χώρου ΔιεξαγωγήςΦορέας Πιστοποίησης
Εγκεκριμένες Δομές Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης (ΔΕΚ)ΑνΑΔ