Κυπριακό Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο

Κυπριακό Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο

Διεύθυνση Χώρου Διεξαγωγής:

Γρίβα Διγενή 38 & Δεληγιώργη 3, Λευκωσία, 1066

Επικοινωνία Χώρου Διεξαγωγής:

Χρίστος Ταντελές

Περιγραφή Χώρου Διεξαγωγής

 The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate body functioning under special law and is financially independent, free of any influence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members’ subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services it provides.

The intense training activity of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry covers every year a wide spectrum of business – related issues. Among others training programmes are organised in the following areas:




*International Commercial Terms


*Business Law Issues

*European Union Issues

*Quality Systems (ISO 9000, TOM etc.)


*Office Practice

*Labour Relations

*Purchasing and Storekeeping

The basic aim of the programmes is always to satisfy specific training needs of the business community which are ascertained through research conducted among the member – enterprises but also through the close monitoring of the developments and changes in the economic, legal and business environment both in Cyprus and abroad.

All the programmes are conducted by Cypriot or foreign instructors who have extensive experience and knowledge in the specific topics but also more generally in the field of training / education.

The intense training activity of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry covers every year a wide spectrum of business – related issues. Among others training programmes are organised in the following areas:




*International Commercial Terms


*Business Law Issues

*European Union Issues

*Quality Systems (ISO 9000, TOM etc.)


*Office Practice

*Labour Relations

*Purchasing and Storekeeping

The basic aim of the programmes is always to satisfy specific training needs of the business community which are ascertained through research conducted among the member – enterprises but also through the close monitoring of the developments and changes in the economic, legal and business environment both in Cyprus and abroad.

All the programmes are conducted by Cypriot or foreign instructors who have extensive experience and knowledge in the specific topics but also more generally in the field of training / education.

Όνομα Αίθουσας
Όνομα Αίθουσας
Αίθουσα 1
Τετρ. Μέτρα
Πρόσβαση ΑμΕΑ
Υπηρεσία Καφέ
Πιστοποιήσεις Χώρου Διεξαγωγής
Πιστοποίηση Χώρου ΔιεξαγωγήςΦορέας Πιστοποίησης
Εγκεκριμένες Δομές Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης (ΔΕΚ)ΑνΑΔ