Βαλεντίνος Κοντογιάννης
Επαγγελματικός Τίτλος:
LLB, MA, PHD (Cand.), Advocate, member of the ELTRC training team
Τομείς Εξειδίκευσης:
Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Mr Valentinos Kontoyiannis holds an Honours Law degree and a Master’s degree in Social and Political Thought from the University of Sussex, where he is currently a doctoral researcher at the School of Media, Arts and Humanities.
Valentinos’ work has been published in the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism and he has presented papers at academic philosophy conferences. Mr Kontoyiannis served as the Book Reviews editor at the Postgraduate Journal “Studies in Social and Political Thought” published by the University of Sussex and he has organised an academic conference on the topic of “Feminism and Critical Theory”. Mr Kontoyiannis taught first and second year undergraduate courses in “Society, State & Humanity”, “Political Ideas” and “Introduction to Politics” at the University of Sussex as an Associate Tutor and at the University of Brighton as a Visiting Lecturer.
Valentinos passed the bar in 2020 and he is currently a registered advocate in Cyprus.