Αγλαΐα Ντίλη

Επαγγελματικός Τίτλος:

Managing Director of Sustainability Knowledge Group

Τομείς Εξειδίκευσης:

Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία > Ενέργεια/ Α.Π.Ε./ Περιβάλλον

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή

Aglaia Ntili is a seasoned sustainability professional, with nearly two decades of international advisory and training experience across a wide range of corporate sustainability, ESG and responsibility fields. She is honoured with the Global CSR & Sustainability Leadership Award for her contributions as a practitioner, trainer, coach, and advisor. Aglaia serves as the Managing Director of Sustainability Knowledge Group, providing Sustainability, ESG and CSR advisory and training services at international corporate level. Aglaia is the founder of CSR Coaching, supporting professionals in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, and the founder of the Sustainability Meetup Initiative, the 1st and only open platform to support active learning and knowledge sharing on CSR and Sustainability in the UAE and Cyprus. She is the Chair of the local Cypriot and UAE chapter of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP). She is also the co-founder of the CIIM-Centre for ESG.

Aglaia is a visiting lecturer in Sustainability at CIIM and previously at the MBA course of Murdoch University in Dubai, UAE. She is the course advisor at the Philanthropy University in the USA for the Course “Stakeholder Engagement Strategy”, recognised with the highest Net Promoter Score (NPS) across the entire course catalogue. Aglaia has developed the Middle East and Greek local training version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3, G3.1, the Bridging Module and GRI G4 Training for regional providers. As an ILM and CPD Standards approved trainer, Aglaia has trained hundreds of professionals in GRI Reporting, Strategy, CSR Programs, Stakeholder Engagement, SROI, Quality, Performance and Environmental Management, communication and implementation.

Her extensive Sustainability, ESG and CSR expertise has enabled her to be involved in a diverse range projects spanning the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA, in multiple sectors and industries including Education, Construction, Energy, Consulting, Banking, FMCG, Local Authorities, Oil and Gas, Telecommunications, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Technology, Shipping, Facility Management, Concessionaire, Leisure, NGOs, SMEs and listed Groups. Aglaia holds an MBA, an MSc in Total Quality Management & Business Excellence and a Degree in Business Administration. She is a Certified ISSP-SA, an ISO 9000 Lead Auditor and an EFQM Accredited European Excellence Assessor. She is a recognized Competent Leader and Competent Communicator under Toastmasters International, a Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator and a Team Animator. She holds a GRI Standards Exam certificate and a certificate in Brokering Remote Partnerships by the Partnership Brokers Association.

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