Yes. There are procedures and forms that need to be filled out and submitted on time, as well as some conditions that must be met for the subsidy to be paid. Organizers and Trainers are very experienced in this area, making it practically difficult for the subsidy not to be paid. The most common reason for the non-payment of a subsidy in a In-House Training Program is the violation of ANAD's terms set in the program's approval. A reason for non-payment of the grant is the exhaustion of the eligible amount of subsidies determined from time to time by the state. Currently, this amount pertains to €200,000 for any period of 3 consecutive years. For some sectors, such as transport, this amount is limited to €100,000. In any case, companies must take all measures to be thoroughly informed about their rights and limitations or limits on the subsidies they are entitled to. MySeminars draws the attention to interested parties that it is the Company’s responsibility to examine all information and the policies that apply, as these may change or different data may apply depending on the business, sector, and specific legislations.