CIIM/UoL: Seminar for Innovative Performance Management System for Professional Services - 100% Subs

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04 Μαΐου 2023

⠀ -⠀ Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR)
⠀ -⠀ Καινοτομία/Start Ups
CIIM/UoL: Seminar for Innovative Performance Management System for Professional Services - 100% Subs

CIIM and the University of Limassol, is offering a seminar of Vital Importance (as per Cyprus Human Recourses Authority) that is a ‘game changer’ in the services industry. That’s why the HRDA authority is fully subsidizing its cost of €1530!! Included in this cost is a 4-hour business consultation session by the Instructor/Specialist.

Most professional service organizations do not have a performance management system in place that measures firm productivity across the production, delivery and promotion of services, and identify corrective actions that are required. As a result, professional service firms cannot identify and improve consistently limiting factors such as unproductive processes, communication break-downs, unmotivated and ill-prepared staff.



In order to improve productivity firms must develop an innovative approach to performance management, which helps companies operationalize their strategic priorities. This is not easy and hence innovation is required to deal with organizational constraints:

  • Find effective ways to cascade the firm’s strategic priorities

  • Focus staff on managing efficiently the customer contact points

  • Make management more productive by providing information and structure around the key operating areas; production, delivery and promotion.

  • Procure data to a single database from where to calculate indicators and produce reports

  • Given the complexity of these tasks and lack of experience to deal with such issues, training and guidance is needed. This is a very innovative approach to managing productivity as it aligns the whole organization around key productivity goals.

The objective of the two-day training would be to help participants learn,

  • how to set productivity goals

  • how to develop a performance management system that operationalizes productivity goals across production, delivery and promotion

  • how to manage through a performance management system
