EIMF: Διαδικτυακή Συζήτηση - Σύγχρονες Προκλήσεις και Εξελίξεις στον Κλάδο Διεύθυνσης Μισθοδοσίας
23 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Το Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF) διοργανώνει Διαδικτυακή Συζήτηση Στρογγυλής Τραπέζης με τίτλο ''Σύγχρονες Προκλήσεις και Εξελίξεις στον Κλάδο Διεύθυνσης''.
Η συζήτηση θα γίνει στις 2 Μαρτίου 2023 και ώρα 16:00 με 17:15 στην Ελληνική Γλώσσα
Οι συμμετέχοντες μπορούν, μέσω της Φόρμας Εγγραφής να υποβάλουν εκ των προτέρων ερωτήματα για συζήτηση.
Περιγραφή Συνάντησης:
Οι επαγγελματίες του Κλάδου Διεύθυνσης Μισθοδοσίας, Φορολογίας, Κοινωνικής Ασφάλιση, Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, καθώς και άλλων εργασιακών θεμάτων τα οποία σχετίζονται άμεσα με την μισθοδοσία, αντιμετωπίζουν επί καθημερινής βάσεως αρκετές προκλήσεις στην εκτέλεση των καθηκόντων τους.
Ταυτόχρονα, η εισαγωγή νέων νομοθεσιών και μεταρρυθμίσεων σε θέματα που άπτονται της μισθοδοσίας των υπάλληλων, των επιδομάτων (π.χ. Πατρότητας), των πληρωμών στα διάφορα Κυβερνητικά Τμήματα, αλλά και των τεχνολογικών αναβαθμίσεων που υλοποιήθηκαν ή θα υλοποιηθούν μελλοντικά, δημιουργούν συνεχώς ερωτήματα.
Σκοπός αυτής της διαδικτυακής συνάντησης στρογγυλής τραπέζης, είναι να δοθεί το βήμα σε επαγγελματίες που ασχολούνται με τα θέματα Μισθοδοσίας και Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, ώστε να απαντήσουν σε σχετικά ερωτήματα και να δώσουν διευκρινήσεις για το πως μπορεί ένας επαγγελματίας να χειριστεί τις εκάστοτε καταστάσεις που ενδέχεται να προκύπτουν κατά την εργασία τους.
Κλάδου Διεύθυνσης Μισθοδοσίας, Φορολογίας, Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης, Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, καθώς και άλλων εργασιακών θεμάτων τα οποία συσχετίζονται άμεσα με την μισθοδοσία.
4 Ομιλητές
▪ Pavlos Charalambides (Επιτροπή Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και Εργασιακών Σχέσεων Συνδέσμου Cyprus Payroll Management Association (CPMA) | Managing Director - MGR Human Resources)
For more than two decades, Pavlos has been providing business consulting services to local and international organisations in relation to setting up and managing businesses, determining corporate strategy, enhancing their corporate image, improving management effectiveness, and enhancing corporate culture and people’s engagement. He is distinguished for his commitment to getting the job done and for partnering with his clients to deliver the agreed objectives. He holds an MBA from the University of Oxford and a BEng in Civil Engineering from the University College London.
▪ Yiola A. Charalambous (Δευθύντρια Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού | MAP S.Platis Group)
She is an experienced professional who possesses extensive experience in the establishment and management of HR functions, recruitment and selection of candidates in various fields and professions at all seniority levels, learning & development and performance management. Yiola is a versatile HR advisor with more than 11 years experience in all core operational HR roles, and before joining MGR she worked as an HR Manager for a distinguished group of companies in professional services. Throughout her working experience, she has gained proven organizational and time management skills and the ability to complete tasks efficiently. She is distinguished for her multitasking skills, proven communication, negotiation, and conflict management expertise as well as motivating leadership attributes. She is a holder of a BSc in Sociology from the Social Science Department of the University Of Aegean and an MSc in Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior from The Cyprus International Institute of Management. She has also been Certified as a Sound Labor Relations Practitioner in 2016 and trained as a Certified Mediator in 2018. Being a great supporter of constant self-development and considering the knowledge of paramount importance she is currently on the final stages of obtaining also an MBA at The Cyprus International Institute of Management.
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▪ Nadia Tryfonidou (ιτροπή Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και Εργασιακών Σχέσεων Συνδέσμου Cyprus Payroll Management Association (CPMA) | Head of Employment and Pensions – George Z. Georgiou & Associates)
Nadia is a Partner in the law firm GEORGE Z. GEORGIOU & ASSOCIATES LLC and Head of the Employment & Pensions Department. She holds an LLB (Hons) from King’s College, London (KCL) and an LLM in Commercial and Corporate Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and has extensive experience in employment and pension matters. Nadia supports and advises clients on all Cypriot legal issues relating to employment law, provident funds and pensions. She handles the drafting of a wide range of employment documents and gives local and international corporate clients legal advice and support on all human resources issues. She advises on ad hoc projects and day-to-day legal advice offering direction and guidance to companies on HR matters including drafting of policies, disciplinary matters, terminations of employment or recruitment, industrial disputes, restructuring etc. Nadia also advises administrative committees of occupational retirement schemes on matters such as registration, transfers of benefits, cross border activities, rules of operation of pension schemes and liaising with the relevant authorities. She is responsible for overseeing the team of lawyers providing advice on employment law and pension law matters. The team constantly monitors the latest legal developments offering pro-active and prompt advice to clients.
▪ Theodoros Mantis (Πρόεδρος Δ.Σ. Συνδέσμου Cyprus Payroll Management Association (CPMA) | Ellinas Finance - Head of People Advisory)
An organized, methodical, competent and deadline-oriented professional with twelve years of work experience. Stress-tolerant individual with supervision and coordination skills crafted through exposure in the industry. Having worked in several areas of the accounting profession, been involved in many different projects/industries and leading the Cyprus Payroll Management Association and the People Advisory, Corporate Immigration and Payroll Services Department of Ellinas Finance Public Company, Theodoros has a diversity of knowledge and skills