EIMF Free Webinars on ESG & KYC Raising Awareness among Professionals on these Hot Topics

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15 Νοεμβρίου 2022

⠀ -⠀ Strategy & Business Plans
⠀ -⠀ Χρηματοοικ.-Ασφαλιστικά-Τραπεζικά
EIMF Free Webinars on ESG & KYC Raising Awareness among Professionals on these Hot Topics

2 free awareness-raising session for alerting businesses and professionals of compliance-related fields, of the needs and obligations emanating from worldwide trends and regulation currently in force.

Examine the following free webinars’ objectives and enrol if you think they can add value to your knowledge and expertise.

24/11/2022 - Free Webinar: Understanding How ESG Risks Affect Enterprise Value
Businesses face an evolving landscape of ESG-related risks that can impact their profitability, success and even survival. Given the unique impacts and dependencies of ESG-related risks, corporations need to better understand the full spectrum of these risks so that they manage and disclose them effectively.
Webinar Objectives

  • Understand why they need to identify ESG Risks throughout their operations and value chains

  • by listing the benefits

  • Define ESG Risks

  • Describe the ESG ERM Framework and process of addressing ESG Risks

  • Identify Impacts and Dependencies

  • Apply prioritization criteria

15/12/2022 - Free Webinar: The Challenges of KYC/CDD
Regulators around the world consider that Know-Your-Customer and Customer Due Diligence (KYC/CDD) are two of the most important elements of every AML program.
In this session we will examine what the elements of KYC/CDD are, how to implement KYC/CDD measures that satisfy the regulator and what we expect to see in the future.

Webinar Objectives

  • Why is KYC/CDD required

  • What is the difference between KYC and CDD?

  • Understand the elements of KYC/CDD

  • How to verify individuals and legal persons

  • What is Enhanced Due Diligence

  • How EDD is conducted in the case of PEPs

  • Challenges of KYC/CDD

  • What we expect to see in the future
