ELTC: The First ‘Family Law Dispute Mediation Training’ in Cyprus

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08 Ιουλίου 2022

⠀ -⠀ Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι
ELTC: The First ‘Family Law Dispute Mediation Training’ in Cyprus

The European Legal Training Center (ELTC) is proud to offer, in partnership with the International Family Law Group LLP, of London, UK, and supported by the Cyprus Bar Association, the first Family Law Dispute Mediation course of its kind.

The course will satisfy the criteria for registration on the Family Dispute Mediators Register of the Ministry of Justice, once the Family Law Dispute Mediators Regulations of 2020 have been voted in by the House of Representatives.

According to the Family Dispute Mediators Law of 2019, to register on the Family Dispute Mediators register, professionals must complete a 40 hr training programme that is both theoretical and practical.


28/9/2022 ELTC Seminar: Family Law Dispute Mediation Training


Family mediation is a process in which the mediator, acting as a third and independent party, facilitates the resolution of a family dispute and supports the voluntary compromise between the parties involved. The family mediator helps in communication, encourages understanding and focuses on the parties involved and their individual and common interests. The family mediator works with participants to find choices, decide for themselves, and ultimately reach a joint agreement.

All learners receive a professional training pack for the course. This contains the course manual, conflict scenarios booklet, quick-reference advice cards, and our contact information for your post-course support. Participants will also receive a draft code of conduct, a sample mediation agreement, sample concluding agreement.

