ELTC offers the 'Cyprus Bar Exam Course for non-Greek Speakers'
09 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021
The European Legal Training Centre is now offering an extensive Cyprus Bar exam course for non-native speakers of Greek. It is targeted to law graduates that due to language restrictions do not yet feel confident to take the Cyprus Bar examinations in Greek. Details regarding practising as an advocate in Cyprus, eligibility criteria and application process may be found by clicking HERE.
The Course has been designed by Advocates qualified in Cyprus who have a wealth of experience in advocacy and corporate law. The course has been specially designed by university lecturers using their own personal experience in passing the Cyprus Bar exams with little to minimal Greek.
The course is targeted towards people with a qualifying law degree who do not have a firm grasp of the Greek language but want to qualify as an advocate in Cyprus – with just the language restrictions holding them back. The course covers all the material required to pass the Cyprus Bar exams in the Greek language. Alongside this, students are taught professional Greek, Greek legal terminology and are introduced step by step to each module through its terminology. The course aims to give non-native speakers of Greek the confidence and skills to pass the Cyprus bar exams in Greek.
The course is aimed towards a person who is willing to work hard and achieve their goal of becoming a registered advocate in Cyprus – despite the language barrier.
Aims of course
To teach students Professional Greek to give them a firm grasp of the Greek language before progressing on to Greek Legal terminology;
To enable students to learn the important Greek Legal Terminology in all subject modules;
To enable students to understand each topic and to give students a short introduction to the topics of each module;
To enable students to understand the substantive law for each of the 10 modules;
To enable students to answer past Bar exam questions provided by the Cyprus legal council;
To enable students ultimately to sit the Cyprus Bar exams in Greek.
Students will be mentored by all lecturers throughout the course and personal guidance and help will be provided throughout.
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