ESG reporting key regulatory updates

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12 Απριλίου 2023

⠀ -⠀ Ενέργεια/Α.Π.Ε./Περιβάλλον
⠀ -⠀ Οργάνωση/Διοίκηση/Ηγεσία
⠀ -⠀ Χρηματοοικ.-Ασφαλιστικά-Τραπεζικά
ESG reporting key regulatory updates

KPMG Academy is presenting a training that will deep dive in the existing regulation which requires entities to issue non-financial reports and it will further analyse the regulation which will be in force in two years (CSRD-Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). In addition, the training will touch upon supporting regulation in relation to additional disclosures that are required by entities as part of the same legislative framework. 

This hands-on training is about the regulatory environment in relation to non-financial reporting. Current and upcoming regulatory obligations will be presented, along with specific steps towards compliance. Through examples, it will assist participants in successfully applying the regulation which aims to oblige undertakings into becoming more accountable through their annual reporting mechanisms. 

08/05/2023 KPMG Academy Seminar: ESG reporting key regulatory updates

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  1. identify the regulatory environment on non-financial reporting

  2. describe the important clauses of the regulation to their colleagues

  3. define compliance mechanisms

  4. verify the regulatory landscape for their entity

  5. transform current action plans to accommodate the changes required or non-financial reporting

  6. demonstrate their organization’s compliance to the regulatory framework during the submission of the non-financial reporting

  7. support the implementation of the ESG Strategy within their organization

  8. encourage the preparation of an action plan for preparatory actions.

Whom is it for?

This training is addressed to professionals who are involved in sectors such as Risk Management (including ESG), corporate social responsibility, sustainability and reporting. These professionals could be compliance officers, internal auditors, finance officers, risk officers, sustainability officers and other related professionals.
