- Πληροφορική - Επαγγελματίες IT

27 Απρ 2020 18:00 14 Σεπ 2020 21:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
117 ώρες ( 39 μέρες )
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Earning an MCSA certification: SQL, demonstrates your skills and breakthrough insights in developing and maintaining the next wave of mission-critical environments.

This instructor-led course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.


MCSA: SQL 1 – Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure

MCSA: SQL 2 – Provisioning SQL Databases

Each course has a 39-hour duration and meetings are spread as twice per week.


Earning an MCSA certification: Windows Server 2016 qualifies you for a position as a network or computer systems administrator or as a computer network specialist, and it is the first step on your path to becoming a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE).


The primary audience for this course is individuals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases. These individuals perform database administration and maintenance as their primary area of responsibility, or work in environments where databases play a key role in their primary job.
The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.


Seminar Content

MCSA: SQL 1: This course provides participants who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Authenticate and authorize users
  • Assign server and database roles
  • Authorize users to access resources
  • Protect data with encryption and auditing
  • Describe recovery models and backup strategies
  • Backup SQL Server databases
  • Restore SQL Server databases
  • Automate database management
  • Configure security for the SQL Server agent
  • Manage alerts and notifications
  • Managing SQL Server using PowerShell
  • Trace access to SQL Server
  • Monitor a SQL Server infrastructure
  • Troubleshoot a SQL Server infrastructure
  • Import and export data

MCSA: SQL 2: This course provides participants with the technical skills required to provision SQL Server databases both on premise and in SQL Azure.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Provision a Database Server
  • Upgrade SQL Server
  • Configure SQL Server
  • Manage Databases and Files (shared)
  • Provision, migrate and manage databases in the cloud


Dates: 27/4/20 – 10/06/20, 01/07/20 – 14/09/20 (summer break in August), Monday and Wednesday

Time: 18:00 – 21:00

Place: Nicosia

Duration: 39 hours each course (total 117 hours for all 3 courses)

Language: English and Greek

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αντιγόνη Μενελάου - Director at ACE CENTRE / Vocational Education and Training Instructor
Experienced General Manager and skilled professional with many years experience in technical training and course development. Good at collaborating with clients to determine training needs and instructors for finalising quality training material. Worked with Universities in UK as well as private companies and Governmental Departments in Cyprus. Has experience in research, quality improvement and quality management and possess outstanding leadership skills, good communication and problem solvi...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2487.00
  • € 1989.00
  • € 472.53
  • € 498.00
  • € 592.62

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2487.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 472.53
  • € 2487.00
  • € 2,959.53

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

Special discount for non-subsidy eligible candidates. Please fill in the form for contacting you about this discount.


Δευτέρα - 27 Απρ 2020


18:00 - 21:00


Αντιγόνη Μενελάου


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Δευτέρα - 14 Σεπ 2020


18:00 - 21:00


Αντιγόνη Μενελάου


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : ONLINE WEBINAR - MCSA: SQL 2016

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