VAT Place of Supply Rules. Where to Tax?

- Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά

21 Φεβ 2020 08:30 21 Φεβ 2020 13:30 Ledra Business Centre
4 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
VAT Place of Supply Rules. Where to Tax?


As access to the global marketplace grows with cross border transactions, it is vital to expand and improve your knowledge of the relevant VAT law as well as to explore various practical scenarios.

For EU VAT purposes, the place of supply of a transaction is the place where that transaction is treated as being supplied. This is the place where it’s liable to VAT (if any).

If a business is established in Cyprus and the place of supply of its supplies (sales) is Cyprus, it must charge any Cyprus VAT due and account for it to the Cyprus Tax Department regardless of where its customer belongs. If the place of supply of its supplies is another member state, the Cyprus business or its customer may be liable to account for any VAT due to the tax authorities of that country.

To minimize the burden on income and profits for you and your clients, acceleration of your understanding of critical tax laws and regulations affecting cross-border transactions is essential.


The aim of this seminar is to familiarize participants with the basic concepts and principles of the EU VAT Place of Supply Rules (in particular how to determine where the supplies of goods and services are liable to VAT and the analysis of cross-border business transactions), and provide a practical environment in which these can be applied to hypothetical situations, thus enabling them to advise clients and colleagues on VAT aspects affecting individuals and domestic corporations doing business in foreign markets.


This seminar has been specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals from various backgrounds who wish to develop their competence in the field of VAT, and benefit from the credibility that this expert knowledge will afford them.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Παντελής Καρόνιας - Head of Indirect Tax Department of InterTaxAudit | Executive Director of Legal Resources Centre
Mr. Pantelis Karonias is the Head of Indirect Tax Department of InterTaxAudit and the Executive Director of Legal Resources Centre.  Pantelis Karonias BSc FCCA ADIT has a BSc in Accounting from the University of Cyprus, and during his studies he was awarded with many distinctions including the First Prize for the best academic performance.   He is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and he is a holder of the Advance Diploma in Internatio...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 120.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 22.80
  • € 120.00
  • € 142.80

Παρασκευή - 21 Φεβ 2020


08:30 - 13:30


Παντελής Καρόνιας


Ledra Business Centre

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : VAT Place of Supply Rules. Where to Tax?