FREE WEBINAR - The New Change Management: Leading Change in a VUCA World

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR)

19 Μαΐου 2020 18:00 19 Μαΐου 2020 19:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
1 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
FREE WEBINAR - The New Change Management: Leading Change in a VUCA World


The world is changing at an unprecedented pace – nothing is static, certain, or predictable.

This is a VUCA World (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)

Many business leaders are struggling to adjust to the new normal of digital disruption, ever-changing workplace norms and the constant but necessary evolution of our business reality. Success in today’s world is about more than just managing these changes – it’s about leading teams who are confident and capable of embracing, innovating, and implementing change. The ability to lead engaged, productive and adaptable teams through adversity is critical for organizations that want to remain relevant and competitive in today’s ever-changing business environment. In this webinar, participants will:

  • Discover 3 keys to leading change more successfully
  • Consider important attitudes, skills, capabilities, and strategies for leaders
  • Examine recent research by Dale Carnegie and others
  • Strategies for developing your Change Leadership Plan



  • Ercell Charles - Global Vice President of Training Dale Carnegie
  • Mark Fitzmaurice - Carnegie Master Trainer, Northern England
Δωρεάν Σεμινάριο

Τρίτη - 19 Μαΐου 2020


18:00 - 19:00


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : FREE WEBINAR - The New Change Management: Leading Change in a VUCA World