Presentations that Make Impact
- Soft Skills / Επικοινωνία - Digital Marketing/ Sales/ Service
Effective presentation skills are a fundamental skill that when mastered, enables professionals to reach higher levels of success in the workplace.
Indeed, developing presentation skills builds self-confidence that facilitates the clear expression of ideas and information to get their messages across in any situation. This has profound impact on a vast number of the responsibilities of today’s managers including their ability to inspire and motivate their teams, to win new business and build effective and lasting relationships with clients, co-workers and other stakeholders.
The overall aim of our course is to highlight the importance of effective and powerful presentations and to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to design and deliver these, whether they are presented to management, small groups, peers or larger presentations.
Through a combination of theory, self-assessment, interactive exercises and presentation practice, participants will learn how they can develop and/or enhance their skills in this vitally important area.
- Understand the value of powerful presentations.
- Design, plan and prepare powerful presentations for any situation (internal and external)
- Identify the characteristics of outstanding presenters and understand how to develop these themselves.
- Recognise their current presentation strengths and challenges.
- Execute presentations with confidence and poise.
- Attract and maintain their audience’s attention, develop their knowledge, maximize their learning and influence their perspective.
The programme is suitable for managers of all levels and across sectors and industries, professionals and partners within the professional services sector as well as any professional who is required to present either to small or large audiences, both internally and externally.ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ
Training Outline
- Introduction and Warm-up
- Goals
- Presentation Design
- ‘SUCCES’ (Simplicity, Unexpected, Concrete, Credibility, Emotional, Stories) – A powerful model for presentation design
- Powerpoint – A tool not a distraction
- Delivery
- Powerful beginnings and the importance of first impressions
- Verbal and non-verbal messages
- Practical exercise
Training Style
This course is interactive in nature and participants will be actively involved, using their own experiences and challenges to reinforce and adapt the new knowledge and skills to their own reality, as well as examples, case studies and simulations provided by the trainer.
Use of assessments and reflective exercises will also allow participants to increase their awareness and provide opportunity for peer reflection and discussion
The session will combine elements of PowerPoint presentations, Flip-chart notes, small group and open discussions, audio/visual material and experiential exercises.
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 7 CPD units in HR, Leadership, Management and Professional Development. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
Professionals requiring CPD units to meet the education requirements for an occupational licence renewal, and/or for maintaining other professional memberships/certifications which accept CPD in HR, Leadership, Management and Professional Development, are advised to consider training subjects in categories that indicate CPD training in HR, Leadership, Management, Personal and Professional Skills
Lefki Angeli
Lefki is a former practitioner in sociology and psychology and as such, has a strong understanding of human behaviour and the motives that drive this. Using this knowledge in the design and implementation of her training, enables her to design and deliver programmes that are relevant and practical hence maximizing participants engagement and learning. With a distinctive passion for human improvement and development, she has been actively involved in training and development throughout her 20+ year professional journey, training and coaching both colleagues and clients. Over the course of this journey, she has earned the reputation as an engaging and effective professional whose excellent communication skills and supportive approach enables her deliver long-lasting results to her clients.
Lefki has extensive experience in the training of business professionals as well as coaching of individuals across, levels, industries and areas of specialty. Indeed, she has worked with many renowned organisations including Fortune 500 corporations and Government agencies locally as well as internationally. Her sector experience covers a broad spectrum, such as FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Information Technology, Education and Banking. Some of her most prominent courses include Managing People for High Performance, Harnessing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Effective Communication that brings workplace results and How to Develop and Maintain High Performing Teams, all of which have earning positive evaluations as informative, relevant and practical.
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
- € 220.00
- € 0.00
- € 41.80
- € 220.00
- € 261.80
Πέμπτη - 03 Δεκ 2020
09:00 - 12:45
EIMF (Λευκωσία)
Τρίτη - 08 Δεκ 2020
09:00 - 12:45
EIMF (Λευκωσία)