LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Problem Solving and Decision Making

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Soft Skills / Επικοινωνία

11 Δεκ 2020 14:00 17 Δεκ 2020 16:40 OnLine Virtual Classroom
8 ώρες ( 3 μέρες )
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LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Problem Solving and Decision Making


As with many aspect of our daily life, our level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) greatly affects all outcomes. What eventually becomes a problem or not, is greatly influenced by our EQ.
Someone with high enough EQ is considered to be a great listener, with generally effective communication skills and a distinct ability to take very appropriate decisions due to their clarity of mind and intuition.


  • Impactful Communication 
  • The art of listening
  • What is a “problem” and what does it mean to “solve” one?

Emotional Intelligence and problem solving

  • Thought system and Problem Solving  
  • Impulse Control in Problem Solving  
  • Practice exercise: Reality testing

Decision-making process

  • Crisis management 
  • Conflict management 
  • Stressful conditions 
  • Placing the pieces in the correct position. 
  • Techniques and tools that will lead us to the decision

Trainer/Instructor: Tatev Petrosyan

Tatev is a professional Coach for People and Business (Professional Life & Business Coach). He has been practicing the profession of Professional Life & Business Coach since 2006, one of the first people to deal professionally with the subject in Cyprus. He has extensive scientific training in the fields of mental health and Soft Skills - Degree in Psychology (University of Indianapolis), specializing in Neurolinguistic Programming (with training in the UK and Mexico), Certified Hypnotherapist (with training in Los Angeles and Mexico).

Tatev continues to study and educate her, becoming more and more in search of the most effective approaches from around the world.

For the past four years, Tatev has focused on the business sector, seeing the need for organizations / professionals to improve the mental health of their employees - a very important factor in the efficiency of an organization.

She is a regular speaker at seminars and lectures for various groups (including all level students), whose topics cover the entire range of human psychology - with an emphasis on emotional intelligence, Soft Skills, human development - helping people change lives. them for the better and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 186.00
  • € 136.00
  • € 35.34
  • € 50.00
  • € 59.50

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 186.00
  • € 0.00
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  • € 186.00
  • € 221.34

Παρασκευή - 11 Δεκ 2020


14:00 - 16:40


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τρίτη - 15 Δεκ 2020


14:00 - 16:40


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Πέμπτη - 17 Δεκ 2020


14:00 - 16:40


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Problem Solving and Decision Making