CPD SEMINAR: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF)

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά

16 Δεκ 2020 15:00 21 Δεκ 2020 18:30 OnLine Virtual Classroom
10 ώρες ( 3 μέρες )
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CPD SEMINAR: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism  Financing (CTF)


G. S EUROPRACTICES LTD is organizing a “CPD SEMINAR” which will analyze the standards and rules deriving from the AML Legislative and Regulatory Framework in Cyprus on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Also the guidelines under Articles 17 and 18(4) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 on simplified and enhanced customer due diligence and the factors that credit and financial institutions should take into account when assessing the risk of money laundering linked to individual business relationships and occasional transactions will also be explained, as provided by (ESAS) on 4 January 2018.

As Criminals discovers more sophisticated ways to cover up illegal activities, the need for effective financial transaction risk management with clients and partners is becoming increasingly urgent, especially for Compliance Officers, Lawyers and Accountants, given the multiple challenges businesses face today. This program is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, legal obligations of compliance and expertise of AML/CTF Compliance Officers, Lawyers, Accountants to detect and comply with their AML obligations to prevent such threats of financial crimes. Also overview, study and discuss the Legislative Framework and Developments in the Field of Combating Illegal Activities and Terrorist Financing to today, based on Directives and Amendments issued by Regulatory Authorities in Cyprus, such as the Central Bank of Cyprus, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and the European Union.

The Training Program counts to 10 CPT UNITS (Continuing Professional Training) for Maintaining the Certification in the Register of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC), in the field of Prevention and Combating Money Laundering (AML) and Anti-Terrorism Financing (CTF) for COMPLIANCEOFFICERS AML/CTF required by CYSEC by the end of 2020. 


After the completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
  • Know the basic requirements of the relevant AML legislation.
  • Raise awareness of AML risks within the organization they work for.
  • Understand how criminals usually try to do Money Laundering.
  • Realize the importance of the different checks that need to be carried out within the AML framework.
  • Determine the type of information they need to collect from physical persons and legal entities for a reliable assessment.
  • Apply Risk Based Approach (RBA) methodology to assess the clients of their business.
  • Put in place mitigation actions to effectively manage clients identified as high-risk clients
  • Identify and report to the relevant authorities any case of client for which there is suspicion for criminal or illegal activity
  • Adopt a holistic AML management methodology that ensures compliance of their business to the relevant legislation.


AML/CTF Compliance Officers and AML Compliance Department Assistants, Bank, Investment Fund Managers, Audit Firms, Law Firms, ΚΕΠΕΥ, Insurance Companies, Investment Funds, Fund Managers and Regulators.


Training Instruments and Materials

The programme is designed to provide knowledge and enhance participants' skills through short lectures, case studies, practical examples and real simulations. Most of the training will focus on assessing the current capabilities and weaknesses of participants through official evaluation tools. Participants will also benefit from the knowledge gained to be transferred and applied to their workplace. Most of the training will be invested in analyzing real cases that will help participants understand how to solve problems in similar cases.

Main Course Content

  • Welcoming Session
  • Introduction to Anti Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF)
  • The AML Management Framework
  • The AML Management Process
  • Client Due Diligence (CDD) and screening
  • The Risk Based Approach (RBA) Assessment
  • Client Risk Assessment and Decision Making
  • Recap and Conclusion

The Trainer: Panayiotis Kyriakou

Is a Business Analytics Specialist with long experience in Technology, E-business and Legal Compliance. He has been actively involved in business consulting, teaching and training for the past 20 years, helping companies in Cyprus and abroad make the digital journey and excel. He is the architect of many business applications that enhance productivity and help businesses address challenges from the Legal and Regulatory Environment within which they operate.

He is an approved trainer and instructor by Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA) and an approved trainer by the American Bankers Association (ABA), where he teaches "Marketing of Financial Services" and "Anti Money Laundering Principles" for professionals aiming towards certification. In addition to Ebusiness and Technology, Panayiotis gave several seminars, custom training courses and presentations on Marketing and Sales for the Institute of Banking Studies (Cyprus) the Cyprus Productivity Center, City Unity College and other leading academic and training institutions.

He is a member of several professional associations and an active contributor to local and international nonprofit organizations. As a support to Child & Youth International foundation, Panayiotis acts as a coach and mentor for young entrepreneurs worldwide.

He is the author of several articles in the areas of Marketing, General Management, Ebusiness and Information Technology with publications in the local and foreign press

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 399.00
  • € 319.20
  • € 75.81
  • € 79.80
  • € 94.96

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 120.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 22.80
  • € 120.00
  • € 142.80

Τετάρτη - 16 Δεκ 2020


15:00 - 18:30


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Παρασκευή - 18 Δεκ 2020


15:00 - 18:30


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Δευτέρα - 21 Δεκ 2020


15:00 - 18:30


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : CPD SEMINAR: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF)