LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - European Court of Justice Jurisprudence on Consumer Protection in Financial Services

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

22 Νοε 2021 09:00 25 Νοε 2021 11:45 OnLine Virtual Classroom
5 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - European Court of Justice Jurisprudence on Consumer Protection in Financial Services


The overview and analysis of the case law of the ECJ is particularly useful in the interpretation of provisions of Union law.  This is particularly true in the field of retail financial services, especially in the financial services sector where the provisions are often highly technical thus their interpretation becomes even more important.  Over the years, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has delivered judgments which have reinforced European integration while granting citizens, and in particular consumers, even more extensive rights. Thus, the protection of consumer rights in the case law of the ECJ is being given an increasingly important role.  The objective of this seminar is to examine the effective control that the ECJ exercises on national law in relation to consumer and investor protection in the field of financial services.


  • To present recent ECJ Jurisprudence on consumer protection in financial services
  • To analyse and exchange ideas on legal issues raised by the ECJ Jurisprudence


  • Legal advisors
  • Lawyers
  • Compliance officers
  • Senior Managers


Training Outline

During the seminar an overview of recent case law of the ECJ shall be presented in relation to the following issues:

The concept of “consumer” of financial services (indicatively, Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber), 2 May 2019 In Case C‑694/17)

Consumer loans, including loans contracts denominated in a foreign currency (indicatively, Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber), 14 March 2019 in Case C‑118/17, Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber), 14 February 2019 in Case C‑630/17, Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber), 2 May 2019 in Case C-694/17, Judgment of the Court (First Chamber), 11 September 2019 in Case C-383/18)

Unfair terms in consumer contracts with respect to retail financial services (indicatively, Order of the Court, 28 November 2018 in Case C-632/17, Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber), 14 February 2019 in Case C‑630/17)

Investor protection, focusing on market abuse (indicatively, Spector, Georgakis, Lafonta cases)

Training Style

The course shall include the presentation and analysis of the ECJ Jurisprudence. The programme is designed to deliver knowledge and enhance participants’ skills via case-studies. Participants will benefit from feedback at the end of the programme and take away the knowledge gained to be transferred at their workplace.

CPD Recognition

The Cyprus Bar Association (CyBAR) has confirmed that this programme is accredited for 5 CPD units. Professionals requiring CPD units to meet the education requirements for CyBAR licence renewal, and/or for maintaining other professional memberships/certifications which accept CPD in Law, are advised to consider training subjects in categories that indicate CPD training in Law.

Professionals requiring CPD units to meet the education requirements for an occupational licence renewal and/or for maintaining other professional memberships/certifications which accept CPD in Law are advised to consider training subjects in categories that indicate CPD training in Law.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Χριστίνα Λειβαδά - Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at University of Athens
Dr Christina Livada is an Assistant Professor of commercial law at the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her main fields of specialization are company law, banking and capital markets law, as well as consumer protection law. She is the author of several books and articles in the abovementioned fields. Christina Livada has been working at the Hellenic Bank Association for seventeen years as a Special Legal Advisor, responsible for the regulatory issues pertaini...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 200.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 38.00
  • € 200.00
  • € 238.00

Δευτέρα - 22 Νοε 2021


09:00 - 11:45


Χριστίνα Λειβαδά


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Πέμπτη - 25 Νοε 2021


09:00 - 11:45


Χριστίνα Λειβαδά


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - European Court of Justice Jurisprudence on Consumer Protection in Financial Services

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