Innovative Strategic Planning for Smaller Enterprises
- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία

In this fiercely competitive arena micro and small sized enterprises, cannot remain content in their niches, as their sustainable business success is under attack. The owner-managers of small companies must embark on the journey to transform their firms into entrepreneurial growth-stars.
This practical training will offer a strategic planning toolkit to help entrepreneurially inspired owner-managers – directors to craft an expansionary development plan, building on the growth horizons: boosting their competitiveness in core business activities, exploring new business model and innovation practices and building strategic alliances in the market.
The programme is suitable only for companies which employ up to 49 employees.
As part of the learning experience, an additional 4-hour consultation will be scheduled for each participating company, allowing customized practice and guidance on the implementation of the strategic development plans.
The programme is recognized by the HRDA – Human Resource Development Authority in Cyprus as Vital Importance, therefore the participation fee is fully subsidized, allowing up to three participants per business entity to attend without cost.
- Embark on new phases of growth: to boost your competitiveness by extending anddefending core activities; to build and strengthen emerging business; and to create viablefuture options for their next stage of development as an emerging small giant – group ofbusiness ventures
- Track profitably innovation based growth strategies
- Formulate and pursue a strategic business development plan - growth road map
Founders, Owners, Managers and Directors of small enterprises (less than 49 employees)
- The Strategic Planning – Growth Mapping
- Stages of growth – Mastering growth transitions
- Growing the Business
- Ready, Willing and Able to Grow
- The Strategic Growth Planning in Action
- Defining the Key Steps in the Strategic Planning Process
- The Innovation Business Model
- The Strategic Business Growth Planning
- Key Outcomes
- Master the strategic planning process
- Learn how to draw lessons from diagnostic – assessment tools
- Prepare for challenges across the growth cycle
- Discover your organizations’ strategic growth capabilities
- Promote permanent innovation culture
- Understand how to evaluate growth options (compatible with your managerial profile)
Paris Cleanthous
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 1530.00
- € 1530.00
- € 0.00
- € 0.00
- € 0.00
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 1530.00
- € 0.00
- € 290.70
- € 1530.00
- € 1,820.70
Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες
No VAT is charged due to CIIM’s non-profit status. 10% discount - Early booking discount for registrations submitted 2 months prior to commencement of the programme. - For 2 registered employees attending from the same organisation. 15% discount -For CIIM students and Alumni after the subsidy or 25% discount on programmes which are not subsidized by the HRDA. Terms and Conditions apply. - For 3 or more registered employees attending from the same organisation. -For unemployed individuals on
Τετάρτη - 17 Νοε 2021
08:30 - 17:00
UoL Campus Limassol
Τετάρτη - 24 Νοε 2021
08:30 - 17:00
UoL Campus Limassol