Data Analytics and Business Intelligence using Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Πληροφορική - Χρήστες

17 Μαρτίου 2022 09:00 18 Μαρτίου 2022 17:00 UoL Campus Nicosia
14 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
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Data Analytics and Business Intelligence using Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel


This 2-day hands-on workshop on business analytics uses Microsoft’s Power Pivot for Excel and Power BI tools. Every business user should know how to perform sophisticated data analysis, create unique dashboards using Power BI and develop powerful data models.

Deliver critical information and gain important insights from your data by visualizing your work with Microsoft Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel converting them into meaningful information.

Take your analysis one step further using two versatile business intelligence tools.

Big Data is growing exponentially due to an increase in the usage of mobile technology and internet. Those that they can analyse data efficiently unlock potential wealth in their business and can contribute in the improvement of business results.

Free Takeaway: Participants will receive sample worksheets, dashboards and templates that will allow them to review the models discussed during the seminar and adjust them to their own day-to-day needs. Participants will also receive 2 hours of video tutorials, available to watch 24/7 at their own pace.

Important Note: Participants are required to bring their own laptop and have Excel 2013 installed as a minimum requirement.

Programme Focus

Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics service that enables anyone to visualize and analyse data with greater speed, efficiency, and understanding. Learn how you can deliver critical information and get important insights from your data by visualizing your work with Microsoft Power BI. It connects to a wide range of data sources and can help you firm create valuable insights and be ahead of the competition. Here is a sample of a dynamic dashboard created with Power BI and you should expect to learn how to create similar ones once you have concluded with this workshop:

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in which allows you to integrate your data using table relationships and perform powerful data analysis by creating simple and advanced measures using DAX language. By using the power of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language you will upgrade the data manipulation capabilities of Excel and thus allow you the user to create more sophisticated and complex measures and highlight key business performance e.g. perform advanced time intelligence, combine and filter your data etc.

A real-life case study will help you examine how the analysis of Sales and Expenses can become more efficient, dynamic and advanced by using Microsoft’s Power BI and Power Pivot vs. more “traditional” methods of Excel analysis (pivots, vlookups etc).

We will demonstrate how to avoid time-consuming and repetitive data manipulation, allowing us to focus on more important aspects and explore the new capabilities Excel has to offer to improve the quality of our analysis.

Additionally, we will introduce the use of DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) functions for simple and complex calculations. (Basic DAX functions (Aggregate, Logical, Table and Relational Functions), Time Intelligence Functions and Calculations, Calculate, Practice Implementation of DAX Functions with Examples)


  • Learn how to install and use Power Query, Power Pivot and Power BI and realize the differences depending on your version of Microsoft Excel.
  • Automate data import from various sources and create relationships in your data model.
  • Learn how to create dynamic dashboards, filter your data and perform easy drill-downs to your data so that to perform sophisticated business intelligence.


  • Directors, GMs, VPs, Senior Managers, Managers
  • Anyone seeking to improve their data analytics skill set
  • Risk Managers and Portfolio Managers
  • Financial Controllers and Accountants
  • CFOs &Finance Managers
  • Corporate Finance & Business Development Professionals
  • Business & Financial Analysts
  • MBA’s & Business Undergraduates
  • Industry Consultants
  • Project Managers and Risk Analysts
  • Finance & Accounting staff
  • Heads of Business Units & Business Planners



Dimitris Leimonis

Mr. Dimitris Leimonis is the Managing Director of Financial Arena, a London-based consultancy specializing in financial modelling, data analytics, business intelligence, firm valuation and risk analysis. He attained in becoming one of the first financial modelling experts globally to be accredited on the 2 major financial modelling standards. He is an experienced finance professional with an in depth 20-year experience in financial markets and has hands-on experience in a number of industry sectors, including financial services, education and retail. In the business training area, he has provided training to more than 1000 banking and business professionals focusing on financial modelling, data analytics, asset allocation, portfolio management and risk analysis. His core skill set includes applied financial analysis, and development of business intelligence solutions using Power BI, resulting in better decision making. These skills incorporate design and construction of sophisticated financial models and communication of the outcomes in the form of high quality reports and presentations. Partnered with Microsoft to run bespoke training camps on Data Analytics and Financial Modelling in Greece and Cyprus. He is also an adjunct finance lecturer at ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece and had been a module leader at advanced Finance courses at Deree college from 2008 till 2015.

He holds an MBA from Drexel University, specializing in Management Information Systems and Investment Management and a BSc in Banking and Financial Management from the University of Piraeus. He is also a certified Financial Modeller, Portfolio Manager and Investment Consultant.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 606.90
  • € 238.00
  • € 115.31
  • € 368.90
  • € 438.99

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 606.90
  • € 0.00
  • € 115.31
  • € 606.90
  • € 722.21

Πέμπτη - 17 Μαρτίου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


UoL Campus Nicosia

Παρασκευή - 18 Μαρτίου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


UoL Campus Nicosia

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Data Analytics and Business Intelligence using Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel

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