Fraud Fundamentals for External Auditors

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

29 Μαρτίου 2022 09:00 29 Μαρτίου 2022 17:00
7 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
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Fraud Fundamentals for External Auditors


As Al Pacino said in the movie The Recruit, “Things are not what you think they are.” Undeniably, nowadays organizations face increased financial challenges due to the negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fraud cases are rapidly increasing, and corporate accounting scandals become public everyday like Toshiba, Tesco, Luckin Coffee.
Building a good reputation is of great value but sustaining it is of greater value; this is specifically true of the accountancy and audit profession, which lives off its credibility. Distrust has recently become a major issue in the accounting profession especially with the public backlash of the collapse of Enron (U.S) one of the world’s leading energy, natural gas, communication giants with a claimed revenue of nearly US$ 101 Billion in the year 2000, but suddenly collapsed in 2001 which brought distrust, uncertainty to the business world and lack of confidence in the financial reports of companies.
Consequently, distrust has recently become a major issue in the accounting profession especially with the public backlash of the collapse of Enron, one of the world’s leading energy, natural gas, communication giants with a claimed revenue of nearly US$ 101bln in the year 2000, but suddenly collapsed in 2001 which brought distrust, uncertainty to the business world and lack of confidence in the financial reports of companies.
As external auditors, it is important to build a good reputation but sustaining it is of greater value; this is specifically true of the accountancy and audit profession, which lives off its credibility. The main purpose of the seminar is to help external auditors obtain a fundamental understanding of Financial Statement fraud, through discussion and practical examples, relevant to their work. 


This seminar is primarily addressed to external auditors, who are responsible for the statutory audit of financial reports. Professionals from other disciplines can also participate in the seminar i.e., accountants.



  • What constitutes fraud
  • Who can perpetrate Financial Statement Fraud?
  • Detection of Financial Statement fraud
  • Investigation of Financial Statement fraud
  • Important indicators


Chrystalla is a holder of a bachelor’s degree in business administration, an MBA and a Banking Certificate from the American Bankers Association. She is a Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), member of the Board of Directors of ACFE Cyprus and of the ACFE Global. She is also a member of ICPAC, of the Cyprus Institute of Internal Auditors and of ISACA Cyprus Chapter.

She has 20 years of experience in the Banking sector, in two of the largest financial institutions in Cyprus, and has also experience in the Corporate Services sector. Her expertise mainly focuses in Project Management, Risk Management, Compliance/AML, Corporate Governance, Internal Audit, Fraud Risk Management and Fraud Investigations.

Currently, she is a Lecturer of professional courses and a corporate trainer of professional development courses. 

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 150.00
  • € 119.00
  • € 28.50
  • € 31.00

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  • € 150.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 28.50
  • € 150.00

Τρίτη - 29 Μαρτίου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Fraud Fundamentals for External Auditors