Integrated Strategic Talent Management for High Performing Organisations (100% Subsidized)

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR)

03 Μαΐου 2022 09:00 05 Μαΐου 2022 17:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
21 ώρες ( 3 μέρες )
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Integrated Strategic Talent Management for High Performing Organisations (100% Subsidized)


Talent management is an important managerial responsibility for the continuous development and maintenance of performance excellence of their teams. Through this innovative training programme, the only one of its kind and deemed to be of vital importance by the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA), participants will learn about the modern approach to talent management, understand the significance of a strategic approach to all the facets (known and unknown) of Talent Management, including employer branding, Competency Frameworks, formulation of a strategic plan for talent attraction and introduction of employee engagement initiatives.

Using innovative tools (digital and otherwise), and methodologies to separate the critical talent segments in their organisations, executives will be able to connect the right skills for their organization with all the stages of talent management, integrating it into theirHR processes to manage their employees effectively. The programme will demonstrate to participants how to create or improve their talent management strategy and with practical tools improving the productivity and competitiveness of their people and ultimately their organisations.


By the end of the training program, participants will be in a position to:

  1. Define what is talent and talented employees
  2. Tell the difference between high potential employees and employees with high performance
  3. Describe the key competencies and roles in their organisation which are critical to its success
  4. Separate their critical talent segments
  5. Describe the main ingredients for a successful talent management strategy, including elements of employee engagement, wellbeing and performance management
  6. Analyse current challenges faced by their organisation impacting their talent strategy creation
  7. Develop effective techniques to identify talented individuals in their workplace
  8. Implement effective systems and performance management and evaluation techniques for talent development in their workplace
  9. Choose and provide appropriate incentives and rewards for motivating, retaining and engaging talented individuals in their workplace
  10. Motivate and support talented individuals to achieve their development goals


  • HR professionals
  • CEOs
  • General Managers
  • Directors
  • Line managers responsible for managing talent


The following topics will be analyzed in the institutional part of the program:

  • Overview of Talent Management
  • Talent Management and Competency Frameworks
  • Identifying my organisation’s key competencies
  • Making the distinction between high potential individuals and high performers
  • Talent attraction and selection
  • Onboarding
  • Coaching and mentoring tools and methodologies
  • Developing potential
  • Employee motivation and engagement
  • Performance management
  • Corrective actions for regaining high performance
  • Effective feedback
  • Digital talent management solutions
  • McKinsey’s 9 box Performance-Potential Matrix
  • Employee wellbeing
  • Reward and recognition
  • Career development and succession planning
  • Action planning for success


Kiki Kallis

Ms Kallis is an expert HR professional and certified training facilitator with more than 23 years of training and work experience in the fields of HR and talent management. She has worked in the capacity of HR Consultant and HR Manager in local and international organisations in Cyprus, Greece and the United Kingdom in a variety of industries, including auditing/consulting, FMCG, health, technology and education as well as University Lecturer for the London Southbank University’s HRM Module of it’s MBA programme delivered in Cyprus through the Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM). She is a Fellow Member of the Cyprus HRM Association (CyHRMA) of which she served as a Board Member for 5 years. She was also an active member of its Publications Committee, where she served in the capacity of Editor for several years. Additionally, she is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development of the United Kingdom (CIPD). She is certified by the HRDA as a Trainer / Instructor ( ΣΕΠ003599). She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and HRM and a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from British universities. She enjoys writing articles and her current HR interests include talent management, diversity and inclusion, and employee engagement and wellbeing.

Vicky Charalambous

Vicky Charalambous, has academic studies in Positive Organizational Psychology (PhD), holds a Master's degree in Organizational & Economic Psychology and a degree in International and European Economic Studies. She has 20 years of experience as a consultant and trainer in human resource management, training and performance management. She has worked for SHL Hellas, a human resource consulting firm, has held the position of Human Resources Executive at British American Tobacco and has also worked as a Recruitment and Performance Manager at C.A. Papaellinas. She is the Director of the Institute of Development, where she provides, among other things, counselling services and training aimed at personal and professional development, utilizing, among other things, applications of Positive Psychology in the workplace. She has worked as a Lecturer in Organizational Psychology at European University. She is a Fellow member of the Cyprus Association of Human Resources Management, where she held the position of Publications and Communications Officer as a member of the Board of Directors (2013 - 2015) and has been awarded for her contribution to the International Relations Committee. She is also a member of the Cyprus Mentoring and Coaching Association (EMCC Cyprus) and the Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology. Her main interests include Workplace wellbeing, motivation and empowerment of individuals and groups, Positive Leadership, Happiness at work, Psychological Resilience and Performance Management. She has over 1500 hours of training experience and is a certified training instructor by the HRDA (ΣΕΠ 003246).

Το ενδοεπιχειρησιακό μέρος διάρκειας 4 ωρών θα πραγματοποιηθεί κατόπιν συνεννόησης μεταξύ των ημερομηνιών 6/5/2022 και 20/6/2022

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Κική Καλλή - MA Human Resources Management HR Manager at CARDET
Η Κική Καλλή είναι επαγγελματίας στο χώρο της Διεύθυνσης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και πιστοποιημένη εκπαιδεύτρια με περισσότερα από 23 χρόνια εκπαίδευσης και εργασιακής εμπειρίας στους τομείς του HR και της διαχείρισης ταλέντων. Έχει εργαστεί ως Σύμβουλος Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και Διευθύντρια Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού σε τοπικούς και διεθνείς οργανισμούς στην Κύπρο, την Ελλάδα και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο. Διετέλεσε επίσης Λέκτορας Πανεπιστημίου για την ενότητα HRM του Πανεπιστημίου Southbank του Λονδίνου στο ...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2125.00
  • € 2125.00
  • € 403.75
  • € 0.00
  • € 0.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2125.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 403.75
  • € 2125.00
  • € 2,528.75

Τρίτη - 03 Μαΐου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


Κική Καλλή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τετάρτη - 04 Μαΐου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


Κική Καλλή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Πέμπτη - 05 Μαΐου 2022


09:00 - 17:00


Κική Καλλή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Integrated Strategic Talent Management for High Performing Organisations (100% Subsidized)

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25.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Μικτή Εκπαίδευση