Digital Cyprus Conference – The Technology Revolution Reshaping Business

- Digital Marketing/ Sales/ Service

04 Οκτ 2022 08:30 04 Οκτ 2022 14:30
6 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
Digital Cyprus Conference – The Technology Revolution Reshaping Business


Technology is the backbone of businesses in the new digital era and digital transformation, which has been a real buzz in IT circles for a few years now, is playing a key role in enterprise planning and growth. Big steps in Cloud Computing, Analytics Architecture, Edge Computing, and AI means that Digital Transformation is imperative. Due to the pandemic, new and transformative technologies are entering the workplace enabling businesses to innovate and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Therefore the ability to adapt is crucial.

At the Digital Cyprus Conference 2022, industry-leading digital experts will present the future of technology and the major new trends that are expected to reshape the business and social landscape in the coming years, while the audience will discover key strategies for marking digital efforts a success; discover critical technologies and approaches needed to make better and more informed business decisions, improve operational efficiency, enhance customer engagement, and drive their organization’s digital culture.

*The conference will be held by physical presence, based on the health protocols that will apply in the given time and in accordance with the evolution of COVID-19.

Δωρεάν Σεμινάριο

Τρίτη - 04 Οκτ 2022


08:30 - 14:30


Hilton Nicosia

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Digital Cyprus Conference – The Technology Revolution Reshaping Business

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6 ώρες (1 ημέρα)

