18th Digital Marketing Forum

- Digital Marketing/ Sales/ Service

02 Δεκ 2022 08:30 02 Δεκ 2022 14:00
6 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
18th Digital Marketing Forum


With the rapid pace of change in digital marketing, it is difficult to predict the future or keep up with changes. However, today’s businesses and entrepreneurs have a stronger chance of gaining a competitive advantage. Digital marketing has opened up the arena of marketing putting every company and/ or entrepreneur into a level playing field with bigger corporates, visibility and promotion chances. The future of marketing is digital and businesses must follow the fast pace of changes; otherwise they will be overtaken by the competition.

The 18th Digital Marketing Forum will highlight the vital role of digital marketing for the success of any business. Throughout the conference, well-known digital marketing experts from Cyprus and abroad will analyze the latest trends, present innovative tools, and reveal successful solutions and strategies. A number of topics will be discussed during this year’s Forum, including innovative approaches, the importance of behavioral analytics, choosing the right agency, the new Google Analytics and ways to approach B2B customers. These tools will help businesses not just survive turbulent times, but also prosper as the information era evolves.*

Reasons to attend

• To gain insights from top digital marketing experts.

• To understand the value of digital marketing and expand your business.

• To be inspired by case studies of digital marketing that has brought amazing results.

• To gain new ideas for your future strategies.

• To network and have fun with like-minded people.

*The conference will be held by physical presence, based on the health protocols that will apply in the given time and in accordance with the evolution of COVID-19.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 100.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 19.00
  • € 100.00

Παρασκευή - 02 Δεκ 2022


08:30 - 14:00


Hilton Nicosia

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : 18th Digital Marketing Forum