Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX), Directive (2014/34/EU) and Standards

- Ασφάλεια & Υγεία στην Εργασία

29 Νοε 2022 10:00 29 Νοε 2022 12:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
1 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX), Directive (2014/34/EU) and Standards


When handling or processing flammable materials, whether it is gas, vapour, mist, or dust, there is often a risk of the existence of explosive atmospheres that could possible lead to dangerous situations and disasters. An explosion in a workplace could potentially cause injuries and damage. Preventing an explosion as well as minimizing the consequences of explosions if they happen, are necessary to protect employees, properties, and the surrounding environment.

An overview of the standards for the determination of the parameters, the classification of zones, the design criteria for protective systems, equipment and components as well as design, installation and operation in the area where explosive gases exist, are subjects to be covered.

The main speaker of the webinar is Dr Martin Thedens, the Chair of IEC TC 31 “Equipment for explosive atmospheres”, an electrical engineer with expertise on explosive atmospheres, the law harmonisation procedures and with 25 years of experience in the topic of explosion protection. He is also an experienced vocational trainer and a member of ATEX, IEC and IECEx committees. Dr Thedens was from 2008 to 2020 the Chair of ExNBG, the Group of all European Notified Bodies according to the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU.


Agenda of the Webinar

Ms. Angeliki Loizou (Standardization Officer)

  • The role of the Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS)
  • How to participate in standardization activities
  • CYS Mirror Committee CYS/MC 11.1 Explosive Atmospheres

Mr. Martin Thedens, Chair of IEC TC 31 “Equipment for explosive atmospheres”

  • An overview of the standards for the determination of the parameters, the classification of zones, the design criteria for protective systems, equipment and components as well as design, installation and operation in the area where explosive gases exist
  • Procedures and Marking to Directive 2014/34/EU and Conformity Assessment Procedures for “equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres”

Discussion - Questions & Answers

Δωρεάν Σεμινάριο

Τρίτη - 29 Νοε 2022


10:00 - 12:00


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX), Directive (2014/34/EU) and Standards

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