Αξιόγραφα – Εφαρμογή Νομοθεσίας, Πρακτική και Ανάλυση Δικαστικών Αποφάσεων

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

14 Ιουν 2023 15:00 15 Ιουν 2023 18:15 OnLine Virtual Classroom
6 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
Αξιόγραφα – Εφαρμογή Νομοθεσίας, Πρακτική και Ανάλυση Δικαστικών Αποφάσεων


Τα περίπλοκα χρηματοοικονομικά μέσα, τα οποία στην παρούσα ο εκδότης τα ονόμασε Αξιόγραφα, μπορούν να εκδοθούν από οποιαδήποτε οντότητα και διαπραγματεύονται στο χρηματιστήριο. Κατά την διαδικασία προώθησης και πώλησης τέτοιων προϊόντων οι ανάδοχοι, οι Τράπεζες και οι ΕΠΕΥ πρεπει να είναι ιδιαίτερα προσεχτικές στον τομέα της σύγκρουσης συμφερόντων και στον τομέα της παροχής υπηρεσιών.

Οι αγωγές οι οποίες αφορούν αξιόγραφα καταχωρήθηκαν από το 2013 μέχρι τα τέλη του 2015. Σήμερα πολλοί Δικηγόροι καλούνται να δικάσουν αυτής της φύσεως υποθέσεις. Ο περί παροχής επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών νόμος σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 120 αυτού εφαρμόζετε και στις Τράπεζες κατά την παροχή επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών. Τα Επαρχιακά Δικαστήρια στις διάφορες αποφάσεις τις οποίες εκδόθηκαν μέχρι σήμερα έχουν αναφερθεί σε διάφορους τρόπους μη εφαρμογής της νομοθεσίας σε Τραπεζικά ιδρύματα και το αντίθετο.  Οι ευρωπαϊκές αρχές έχουν εκδώσει διάφορες κατευθυντήριες γραμμές σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της συγκεκριμένης οδηγίας μιας και ο Νόμος 144(ι)/2007 αποτελεί εναρμόνιση με ευρωπαϊκή οδηγία.  Μέσω του προγράμματος θα αναλυθούν αυτές οι γραμμές και θα δούμε και ευρωπαϊκή Νομολογία επι του ζητήματος.

Σε σχέση με την εφαρμογή της Νομοθεσίας από τις Τράπεζες και/ή από ΕΠΕΥ έχουν δοθεί κατευθυντήριες γραμμές ως προς τον Τρόπο εφαρμογής της Νομοθεσίας. Τα τμήματα Μετοχών και Χρεογράφων της Τράπεζας έχουν άτομα τα οποία είναι αδειοδοτημένα για την παροχή επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών, ωστόσο οι γραμμές είναι τόσο λεπτές που μπορεί εύκολα κάποιος να περάσει από την παραλαβή μιας αίτησης σε παροχή εκ παραδρομής μιας επενδυτικής υπηρεσίας γι’ αυτό είναι απαραίτητη η κατάρτιση του προσωπικού με σκοπό την εφαρμογή βέλτιστων πρακτικών.

Αναγνώριση Ωρών Συνεχιζόμενης Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης (ΣΕΕ)

Το πρόγραμμα μπορεί να αναγνωριστεί για έως και 6 ώρες ΣΕΕ (Αναγνώριση Ωρών Συνεχιζόμενης Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης) στη Νομική Θεματολογία και Τραπεζικό Τομέα έχει εγκριθεί για εώς και 5 ώρες ΣΕΕ από τον Παγκύπριο Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο.


Στόχος του σεμιναρίου είναι οι συμμετέχοντες να αντιληφθούν τα χρηματοοικονομικά μέσα και πως αλλάζουν από έκδοση σε έκδοση, να μπορούν να διακρίνουν τις διαφορές των μέσων, να αντιληφθούν τα νομικά επιχειρήματα των δύο πλευρών και να αξιολογούν κατά πόσο έχουν ή όχι μια υπόθεση η οποία μπορεί να κερδηθεί.


Το πρόγραμμα θα βοηθήσει τους καταρτιζόμενους να κατανοήσουν την νομοθεσία γύρω από το ζήτημα και να μπορούν να την εφαρμόσουν στην πράξη για να μπορέσουν να μεταφέρουν στο Δικαστήριο τα νομικά σημεία στα οποία βασίζονται. Μέσα από πρακτικά παραδείγματα θα κατανοήσουν την εφαρμογή της νομοθεσίας.

Το πρόγραμμα είναι ιδανικό για:

  • Δικηγόρους
  • Βοηθούς Δικηγόρων
  • Εργαζόμενους στο Τραπεζικό τομέα
  • Εργαζόμενους σε εταιρείες παροχής επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών


Ενότητες Προγράμματος

Νομικό πλαίσιο- τα Αξιόγραφα ως χρηματοοικονομικά μέσα

  • Εισαγωγή
  • Ορισμοί
  • Νομοθεσία
  • Ευρωπαϊκές οδηγίες/επεξηγήσεις
  • Φύση των χρηματοοικονομικών μέσων

Αποφάσεις – Ακροάσεις, πρακτική και κριτική ανάλυση

  • Κυπριακή Νομολογία
  • Ευρωπαϊκή Νομολογία
  • Ακροάσεις
  • Πρακτική εφαρμογή της νομοθεσίας
  • Κριτική ανάλυση πρακτικών διάθεσης
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Μαρίνα Σιαμμούτη - Lawyer & Managing Director at Marina A. Shiammouti LLC
Marina Shiammouti is a Lawyer and member of the Cyprus Bar Association. She currently works as a Lawyer and Managing Director of Marina A. Shiammouti LLC and at the same time she is a Compliance Officer and one of the Directors of Prudens Group Ltd since 2016. Her work experience includes the provision of legal services in the areas of Banking and Finance, compliance with the financial regulatory framework, and general litigation services offered to a mixture of small/medium and larger clients a...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 220.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 41.80
  • € 220.00
  • € 261.80

Τετάρτη - 14 Ιουν 2023


15:00 - 18:15


Μαρίνα Σιαμμούτη


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Πέμπτη - 15 Ιουν 2023


15:00 - 18:15


Μαρίνα Σιαμμούτη


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Αξιόγραφα – Εφαρμογή Νομοθεσίας, Πρακτική και Ανάλυση Δικαστικών Αποφάσεων

Σεμινάρια στην ίδια κατηγορία από τον ίδιο διοργανωτή
CySEC AML Certification Examination Preparation Course...

The CySEC AML Certification Examination requires very good knowledge of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Laws of 20...

02/04/2025 16:30

16.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Live Online

The Impact of EU Sanctions on Trust Structures...

How are EU sanctions affecting the professional fiduciary industry? This course is designed to assist professional offering fiduciary services navigate through ...

03/04/2025 10:00

2.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Corporate Governance for Financial Institutions...

The concept/term Corporate Governance has featured regularly in discussions, both within the professional and academic community, since the 1990sand has become ...

09/04/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


EIMF (Λευκωσία)

CySEC Certification Examination Preparation Course (Advanced, Basic)...

With a proven track record, the highly successful EIMF CySEC examination preparation course offers an in-depth coverage of all the required material, preparing ...

09/04/2025 16:30

32.00 ώρες (8 μέρες)



Live Online

Sanctions Risk Management: Conducting International Business Safely...

International economic sanctions comprise restrictive measures – often complex – imposed by international actors of global influence aiming at curbing law-abuse...

23/04/2025 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

Banking Capital And Liquidity Regulation: Basel III and IV/CRDs IV – V...

Knowledge of the Basel rules for banks and of how they are implemented in the EU (the Capital Requirement Directives, CRDs and Regulations, CRRs) is essential f...

23/04/2025 10:30

5.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

EXIN Privacy & Data Protection: Professional Certificate in General Da...

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is considered the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. The regulation protects the dat...

23/04/2025 14:30

14.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Live Online

CySEC Certification Examination Preparation Course (Advanced, Basic)...

With a proven track record, the highly successful EIMF CySEC examination preparation course offers an in-depth coverage of all the required material, preparing ...

05/05/2025 16:30

32.00 ώρες (8 μέρες)



Live Online

Practical Workshop on Liquidity Stress Testing: Designing and Implemen...

This interactive workshop focuses on the practical aspects of designing and implementing a Liquidity Stress Testing (LST) framework. Participants will learn to ...

06/05/2025 10:00

3.50 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Cyprus Fund Administration Certificate by EIMF and CISI...

Professionals working within the Investment Fund Sector require a set of specific specialised knowledge and technical skills. The Cyprus Fund Administration Pro...

07/05/2025 09:00

24.00 ώρες (7 μέρες)



Live Online

Unfair Commercial Practices in Financial Services...

Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market (‘the UCPD’) const...

07/05/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

CISI - International Introduction to Securities and Investment...

The International Introduction to Securities and Investments offers a broad introduction to the financial services professional sector, with a specific focus on...

07/05/2025 09:00

14.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Live Online

Fund Set Up in Cyprus: A Practical Guide...

This Seminar aims to provide participants the knowledge and understanding to be able to set up a fund in Cyprus from A to Z.  The Cyprus Fund Industry and th...

08/05/2025 10:00

10.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

AML/CFT – Typology Based Approach...

In today’s financial landscape, combating Money Laundering is paramount. Two primary strategies can be employed to address this: the Risk-Based Approach an...

08/05/2025 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

CRS & FATCA Compliance & Reporting...

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is an effort led by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and aims to combat tax evasion by imposi...

13/05/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

FinTech Security and Regulation (RegTech)...

With so many regulatory lapses and failures of big companies and banks, people are raising questions about the efficiency of the Regulators and Regulated Entiti...

20/05/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)



Live Online

EXIN Privacy & Data Protection: Professional Certificate in General Da...

With the ever increasing explosion of information flooding the internet, every company needs to plan how to manage and protect privacy of persons and their data...

20/05/2025 14:30

21.00 ώρες (5 μέρες)



Live Online

Handling Client Complaints for Investment, Banking and Insurance Busin...

The appropriate handling of complaints marks out financial institutions and firms as being concerned to improve their relationships with their customers and the...

21/05/2025 09:00

5.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

CySEC AML Certification Examination Preparation Course...

The CySEC AML Certification Examination requires very good knowledge of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Laws of 20...

21/05/2025 16:30

16.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Live Online

Fraud Reporting under PSD2 – An Overview of the EBA Guidelines...

In accordance with Article 96(6) of PSD2, Payment Service Providers (PSPs) must provide statistical data on fraud relating to different means of payment to thei...

22/05/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)



Live Online

A Comprehensive Overview of the EU AML Legislative Strategy and the Ro...

This programme will explore the key critical and dedicated EU legislative package associated with the EU Anti-Money Laundering Strategy, approved by the EC...

22/05/2025 10:00

5.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

ACAMS Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) Exam Preparati...

The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) is the largest international membership organization dedicated to enhancing the knowledge...

24/05/2025 09:00

14.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

CISI Risk in Financial Services...

In the face of the recent constant change in the Financial Services Sector, both from legal and regulatory amendments and from credit and financial shocks in th...

27/05/2025 09:00

15.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)



Live Online

The Essentials of Company Law: Setting Up a Company in Cyprus...

As a full member of the European Union, Cyprus remains a safe and popular destination for investment due to the significant tax benefits that Cyprus offers. Thi...

27/05/2025 09:30

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

A Risk Based Approach to Sanctions...

The programme aims to provide the knowledge and insights to effectively address the important area of sanctions. The programme will equip participants with the ...

28/05/2025 09:00

2.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

CySEC Certification Examination Preparation Course (Advanced, Basic)...

With a proven track record, the highly successful EIMF CySEC examination preparation course offers an in-depth coverage of all the required material, preparing ...

02/06/2025 16:30

32.00 ώρες (8 μέρες)



Live Online

Corporate Mobility and the Re-Domiciliation Process in Cyprus...

The purpose of this programme is to examine the various matters related to corporate mobility as inextricably linked to the freedom of establishment of legal pe...

03/06/2025 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

Fund Administration, Accounting, Reporting and Depositary Functions...

Course Overview  Mutual Funds are a very widely used financial tool. Investors, professionals and individuals make use of them in order to benefit from the p...

04/06/2025 15:45

5.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

The Latest EU Digital Strategy for the Financial Services Sector...

In 2021, the European Commission launched an international benchmark-fixing EU Digital Strategy, designed to provide EU citizens with access to cross-border fin...

05/06/2025 10:00

5.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

CySEC AML Certification Examination Preparation Course...

The CySEC AML Certification Examination requires very good knowledge of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Laws of 20...

16/06/2025 16:30

16.00 ώρες (4 μέρες)



Live Online

The EU Regulatory Disclosure Framework for Managing ESG Risks by Finan...

The EU Supervisory authorities concur that the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks to financial institutions can be defined as risks that stem from...

18/06/2025 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)



Live Online

Εκούσιες Εκκαθαρίσεις – Θεωρία και Πρακτική...

Στόχος του προγράμματος είναι να δώσει στους συμμετέχοντες μια ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα αναφορικά με τη διαδικασία της εκούσιας εκκαθάρισης τόσο από μέλη όσο και από...

19/06/2025 09:00

7.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)



EIMF (Λευκωσία)

DFSA Regulatory Compliance CPD Programme...

Financial services rules and regulations apply to all firms regulated by the DFSA. These rules and guidelines are intended to safeguard customers when they tran...

24/06/2025 09:00

15.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) Register Updates – Guidance through t...

According to the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Laws of 2007-2021, companies and any other legal entities incorporated in the Republi...

24/06/2025 09:30

5.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Employment Law in Cyprus...

It is important for any effective manager, supervisor or team leader to have a solid understanding of all the basic matters surrounding the employment law in Cy...

25/06/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)



EIMF (Λευκωσία)

The Fund Industry: Definitions, Structures, Strategies and Regulations...

Mutual Funds are a very widely used financial tool. Investors, professionals and individuals make use of them in order to benefit from the professional investme...

02/07/2025 15:45

5.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Internal Capital Adequacy Review Assessment (ICARA)...

Welcome to our self-paced eLearning course on the Internal Capital Adequacy Review Assessment (ICARA) process for Investment Firms. The ICARA Process requiremen...

31/01/2026 15:58



CISI Global Financial Compliance...

Description Global Financial Compliance will provide you with a broad understanding of the compliance issues that arise within the financial services sector....

31/01/2026 15:58



Anti-Bribery and Corruption...

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation globally has existed for some time, though enforcement is becoming more aggressive. There is heightened regulatory ...

31/01/2026 15:58



AML Suspicious Activity Reports and Suspicious Transaction Reports (SA...

This self-paced, online course provides an overview of AML, the measures needed for efficient AML controls, Suspicious Transaction Monitoring, and Suspicious Ac...

31/01/2026 15:58



AGRC Certificate in AML...

The AGRC Certificate in AML provides participants with a thorough understanding of what constitutes Money Laundering (ML) and how financial institutions sh...

31/01/2026 15:58



MiFID II Overview...

Description This course offers a brief overview of MiFID II. It addresses the changes to the market structure under MiFID and MiFID II, and provides a sound ...

31/01/2026 15:58



AGRC Certificate in Risk Management...

The AGRC Certificate in Risk Management will explore the core principles of risk and risk management in the context of the financial services sector. This ...

31/01/2026 15:58



MiFID II Investor Protection...

The seminar is designed to provide a thorough examination of recent developments in the MiFID II regulatory framework, specifically focusing on four key el...

31/01/2026 15:58



Suspicious Transactions/Activity Reporting...

This course provides a brief overview of Suspicious Transactions / Activity Reporting process in a regulated financial services firm. This course is addressed t...

31/01/2026 15:58



CISI Risk in Financial Services...

Description This course offers a comprehensive global introduction to the major risk areas in financial services. It addresses international issues, reflecti...

31/01/2026 15:58



CIMA – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (BA3)...

The main objective of this subject is to obtain a practical understanding of financial accounting and the process behind the preparation of financial statements...

31/01/2026 15:58



Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption...

Description This course offers a comprehensive review to bribery and corruption, and the effects of both. It addresses the forms of bribery, provides statist...

31/01/2026 15:58



Treating Customers Fairly and Handling Complaints in the Financial Ser...

Description This course will help you to increase your knowledge in theory and practice about how to treat your customers fairly and in a compliant manner. I...

31/01/2026 15:58



Creating a Compliance Culture in Financial Services...

Course Overview The aim of this self-paced eLearning course is to equip financial professionals, leaders, and compliance professionals with a comprehensive ...

31/01/2026 15:58



Regulatory Fundamentals for the Financial Services Sector...

Description This course offers a comprehensive review of the major regulations, directives and regimes of financial firms. It includes MiFID II, EMIR, Anti-M...

31/01/2026 15:58



Financial Instruments and Products...

Description This course offers a condensed review of the financial services sector, with a specific focus on equities, stocks, bonds, derivatives and other f...

31/01/2026 15:58



Ethics and Compliance...

This course will help you to increase your personal ethics and explore your obligations to act with integrity in all aspects of your work and professional relat...

31/01/2026 15:58



ICAAP – Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process...

The challenge with creating an ICAAP is it is more than just a document. In this course we will explain clearly and concisely why it is and should be dynamic pr...

31/01/2026 15:58



Regulatory Updates Cyprus Financial Services...

Description This course provides a structured analysis of these regulatory updates, ensuring that participants understand their obligations and can effective...

31/01/2026 15:58



AML 4th and 5th Directives Overview...

When the EU issues an anti money laundering directive, it also sets an implementation date by which appropriate AML/CFT legislation must be in place within memb...

31/01/2026 15:58



CIMA – Fundamentals of Business Economics (BA1)...

This subject primarily covers the economic and operating context of business and how the factors of competition, the behaviour of financial markets and governme...

31/01/2026 15:58



CIMA - Managing Finance in a Digital World (E1)...

This subject provides a comprehensive overview of managing financial activities in the digital world. With all the entities of the world becoming digitized, you...

31/01/2026 15:58



CIMA – Financial Strategy (F3)...

This unit explain the different strategic financial objectives and policy options that are open to organisations. Discuss about the types of funds available to ...

31/01/2026 15:58



Practical Aspects of the Compliance Function...

Description This course offers a practical review of the compliance function. It addresses the roles, responsibilities and mission of the compliance officer,...

01/02/2026 15:58

