9th International Compliance Forum

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

20 Οκτ 2023 08:30 20 Οκτ 2023 15:30
7 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
9th International Compliance Forum


The International Compliance Forum is one of the biggest conferences of IMH, and every year it tackles the most important developments around regulatory compliance issues that concern professionals in the field as well as the largest local, local and international companies.

Regulatory compliance issues are becoming increasingly important for businesses. By adequately implementing compliance rules, they operate more responsibly, protect their reputation and name, and limit risks. At the same time, they increase their efficiency and improve their operation.

The Forum is primarily aimed at businesses that need to implement compliance rules because it falls under their supervisory requirements but in the modern business environment, all businesses should implement compliance rules with specific international standards and best practices. Whether they are financial companies, professional service providers or even companies providing health services, food, etc. Compliance is now addressed to all businesses especially with the rise of technology and the various ethical issues that constantly arise (e.g. GDPR).


  • Learn about compliance and ethics from industry experts
  • Get expert advice on how to create an effective compliance and ethics program
  • Keep up to date with the global compliance & ethics community’s challenges
  • Discover the latest solutions to your compliance and ethics concerns
  • Find out how compliance management can benefit your business
  • Understand compliance’s return on investment
  • Develop your professional network


The Forum is addressed to:

  • Compliance Professionals
  • Risk Professionals
  • Audit Professionals
  • Ethics Professionals
  • Privacy Professionals
  • Corporate Governance Professionals
  • General Counsels
  • Finance and Legal professionals
  • Board Members
  • Senior Management Executives

From Various Sectors:

  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Investment Firms
  • Fintech Companies
  • EMIs
  • Accounting, audit, tax firms
  • Law firms and legal consultants
  • Insurance firms and re-insurance firms
  • Corporate services providers
  • Other Financial services providers
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Regulatory authorities
  • Consulting firms
  • Company formation and administration firms
  • Wealth management firms
  • Trust services providers
  • Software/technology providers
  • Casinos – Gaming – Betting Companies
  • Academia – Universities


Conference Agenda

  • Section: Financial Crime Compliance & International Sanctions
  • Section: Regulatory Compliance
  • Section: Corporate Governance & ESG

Chairman Marios M. Skandalis

Chief Compliance Officer - Bank of Cyprus Group, Chairman, Cyprus Integrity Forum

H.E. Mr Irfan Siddiq OBE

British High Commissioner to Cyprus, British High Commission Nicosia

Giles Thomson

Director of the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) and Economic Crime, HM Treasury, UK

Dr. Marcus Pleyer

Deputy Director General in Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance (former President of the FATF), Germany

Peter Drake

Director, EMEA Head, Institutional Clients Group AML Compliance Risk Management, Citigroup, UK

Constantinos Trikoupis

Assistant Director, Head AML/CFT & Financial Conduct Department, Central Bank of Cyprus

Matthew Oresman

London Managing Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, UK

Niki Charilaou

Manager – Financial Crime & Sanctions Compliance Dept, Bank of Cyprus

Helen Brand

Chief Executive, ACCA

Michael Khoo

Co-Director, Task Force KleptoCapture, U.S. Department of Justice

Predrag Cvijic

Head of Transversal Files Unit, Compliance Corporate Division, Group Non-Financial Risk Department, Office of the Group Chief Compliance Officer, European Investment Bank

Gaon Hart

Former Senior Crown Advocate, Crown Prosecution Service, Non-Executive Director, NHS Counter Fraud Authority, UK

Justin Cooper

Director, EMEA Alliances, LexisNexis Risk Solutions UK, Representing Infocredit Group

Panos Kyriakides

Commercial Manager, eBOS Technologies Ltd, Cyprus

Demetris Taxitaris

FCA, MAP S.Platis

Christos Ttiniozou

Managing Director, Complytek

George Zornas

Internal Audit Director, Bank of Cyprus, President, ACFE Cyprus

Maggie McGhee

Executive Director - Strategy and Governance, ACCA

Gregory Dellas

Chief Compliance and Innovation Officer, ECOMMBX

Mike Jennings

Director, Anthesis, UK

Philip Reuchlin

ESG Manager and Carbon Footprinting Lead, Atlas Metrics, Austria

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 285.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 54.15
  • € 285.00

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

€240 + VAT for Members (ACB, ACCA, ACFE, CIF, CYFA, ICA, ICPA, ICEAW, ICPAC, ILN, Invest Cyprus, National Betting Authority, ISACA, The Cyprus Institute of Internal Auditors, The Marshall Islands Registry)


Παρασκευή - 20 Οκτ 2023


08:30 - 15:30


Συνεδριακό Κέντρο Φιλοξενία

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