Accounting for non-Accountants

- Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά

23 Μαΐου 2023 09:00 23 Μαΐου 2023 16:45 KPMG (Λευκωσία)
6 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
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Accounting for non-Accountants


In today’s demanding and fast-paced business world, it is considered imperative that non-accounting professionals and management staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to interpret accounting and financial data. The trainers of the seminar aim to provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge required to understand financial statements. They will also give participants the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the financial and investment appraisal factors, comprehend the process regarding how to prepare financial projections and gain basic knowledge on business valuations.


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • acknowledge the basic tools for investment analysis and appraisal
  • explain the process of preparing financial projections
  • share the dates for tax and financial statements submission
  • apply the basic accounting and financial principles
  • check financial statements by calculating and explain key financial ratios
  • encourage a risk basis approach to resolve and handle successfully any issues that may arise
  • adopt an approach to understanding simple accounting subjects from a non-accountant perspective.


The seminar is addressed to Management staff, Directors of departments and other relevant professionals with no or basic accounting knowledge, do not deal with in depth accounting matters or do not hold a qualification in accounting, like Lawyers, Legal Advisors, Doctors, Officers/Managers of financial institutions (such as Banks, Insurance Companies, etc.) and small business owners (hotel owners, restaurant owners, retail industry business owners).



1. Introduction: Seminar’s objectives (15 min)

  • Assist participants to comprehend the basic principles of accounting
  • Improve participants’ capacity in understanding the basic financial principles

2. Accounting and finance (1 hr & 15 min)

  • “Accounting”, “Finance” and other useful definitions
  • Fair values
  • Revenue
  • Business combinations
  • A set of financial statements: contents
  • Financial risks and credit risks

3. Financial statements (1 hr)

  • Requirement to prepare financial statements
  • A set of financial statements: contents
  • Management report
  • Auditors report

4. Financial ratios and investment appraisal (1 hr & 30 min)

  • Comprehending and investigating the balance sheet statement, profit or loss, other comprehensive income statement and cash flow statement.
  • Key financial ratios/indicators
  • Ratio analysis and practical examples
  • Investment appraisal and practical examples

5. Budgeting and forecasting (1 hr)

  • Business life cycle
  • Preparation of forecasts and budgets and practical examples

6. Corporate finance (1hr)

  • Business life cycle
  • Business valuation – basic principles
  • Creditworthiness and ability to borrow

7. Regulatory environment: Briefing on general tax framework (30 min)

  • A brief description of the income tax framework
  • Tax compliance timeframe for legal entities
  • Conclusion


Pangratios Vanezis
Board Member, IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 implementation leader, Audit,
KPMG in Cyprus

Pangratios joined KPMG in Cyprus in 2003 and became a Board Member in 2017. He holds a BA in Accounting & Finance from Lancaster University and is an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Pangratios possesses versatile industry experience deriving from sectors such as the financial services, consumer products, airline transport industry, agriculture and food and beverages. In 2014, he was pivotal in the creation of the KPMG Enterprise and Startups team of KPMG in Cyprus, for which he acts as the team leader.

He is actively involved in the group which offers training and support within KPMG in Cyprus, as well as in the DPP (Accounting) of KPMG in Cyprus, which provides insights, consultation and training on financial reporting issues both internally and externally. Pangratios is the implementation leader and contact person on IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 matters of KPMG Cyprus IFRS Helpdesk team. 


Katerina Papanicolaou
Board Member, Direct Tax services, KPMG in Cyprus

Katerina graduated with a bachelor’s degree (Hons) in economics from the University of East Anglia in the UK. She is a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and an ADIT graduate. Additionally, she is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) and a certified “Trainer of Vocational Training” by the HRDA. Katerina joined KPMG in Cyprus in 1995, where she worked in the Audit department prior to moving to Tax Services. Her portfolio of clients consists of companies listed in the Cyprus Stock Exchange, as well as medium and large companies, both local and international. Katerina possesses experience in the Investment, Real Estate, Insurance and Retail industries. She is experienced in direct tax compliance services and actively participates in assisting clients during their tax examination by the Tax department, for identifying and settling their tax liabilities.


Christina Talioti
Principal, Deal Advisory, KPMG in Cyprus

Christina is a Principal in the Deal Advisory department at KPMG in Cyprus and has more than 11 years of experience in the provision of financial advisory services. She is involved in due diligence and independent business review projects in various industries, such as renewable energy, education, healthcare, food and beverage companies. In the past, she was involved in the debt restructuring of companies, preparation of financial models for operational and financial restructuring, corporate restructurings (mergers, divisions, exchange of shares) for public and private companies within various sectors. During the years 2016 until 2020, Christina was seconded to one of the biggest banks in Cyprus, where she was acting as an external advisor of the Debt Recovery department, assisting in the reduction of non-performing loans. At the same time, she was heading the Insolvency Unit for Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Retail Loans of the same bank. Christina holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE). She is a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and a licensed Insolvency Practitioner in Cyprus. 


Petros Stavrou
Assistant Manager, Deal Advisory, KPMG in Cyprus

Petros is an Assistant Manager in the Deal Advisory department of KPMG in Cyprus. He joined  KPMG in Cyprus in 2017, initially in the Audit department,  in 2021 he moved to the Deal Advisory department in the position of Senior Advisor. He has completed numerous engagements with clients in various industry sectors including financial services, retail, energy, construction and manufacturing and he was the auditor in charge of both public and private companies.

He has assisted in financial due diligence projects relating to companies involved in the manufacturing and distribution of fire securing products, holding and investment properties, and the hotel industry. He has also assisted in the due diligence and the preparation of a financial model for the Acquiring Business of a Bank and the preparation of a Business Plan for a Banking Institution. Petros holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Bristol (UoB). He is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA) and has passed Level 1 exams to become a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).


Antonis Clark
Senior Advisor II, Accounting Advisory Services, KPMG in Cyprus

Antonis graduated from the European University Cyprus with a BA in Accounting. He is qualified as Member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants. He has a solid experience in the financial services sector and he has also been involved in engagements with groups and companies operating in various sectors as well as in the delivery of presentations to KPMG colleagues on IFRS Updates, IFRS 9 and IFRS 17. Antonis is a member of the team of the Accounting Advisory Services and he has been involved in projects related to the IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 17 Insurance contracts. He aims to leverage his accounting expertise and experience with the accounting advisory projects for entities in the financial and non-financial sectors.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 250.00
  • € 102.00
  • € 47.50
  • € 148.00
  • € 176.12

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 250.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 47.50
  • € 250.00
  • € 297.50

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

Discounts available 10% discount for more than two (3+) participants from the same company 10% discount for individuals/legal entities who/which register in more than two (3+) seminars during the same semester 10% discount for alumni members 10% early bird discount on selected seminars by 16/05/2023 HRDA subsidy for all HRDA approved seminars


Τρίτη - 23 Μαΐου 2023


09:00 - 16:45


KPMG (Λευκωσία)

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Accounting for non-Accountants