Advanced Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF)

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

21 Μαΐου 2024 15:00 22 Μαΐου 2024 18:15
6 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
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Advanced Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF)


Gain in-depth knowledge with a comprehensive online course on the latest developments in AML/CFT and Sanctions regulations.
Mr. Theodoros Stavrou, one of the most experienced AML compliance experts, will cover all the requirements set by the relevant legislation, as well as the changes brought about by the recent developments on sanctions, the implementation of the Cyprus Law, and the 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive.

The course will discuss the procedures that need to be in place for compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing and analyse practical examples.


Benefits of attending:

  • Minimize compliance risks and avoid hefty fines.
  • Protect your reputation and safeguard your business.
  • Operate with confidence in the evolving regulatory landscape.
  • Gain valuable insights from industry experts.


The course is addressed to:

  • Executives/Officers of banks, Investment companies and Insurance companies
  • Regulators
  • Executives exercising control responsibilities on companies (e.g. internal/external auditors, auditors and operational risk managers)
  • Lawyers, Accountants, Realtors and other professionals in related disciplines
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Θεόδωρος Σταύρου - Head of Compliance at Société Générale Bank

Theodoros Stavrou was born in 1973. He studied Civil Engineering and he also got a degree in Management from the Henley Management College of London. He is also a holder of a Master in Business Administration (MBA). In his early ages of his career he worked as field civil engineer and he then joined the Cyprus Police. He worked as Police Investigator for minor and serious offences and in 2001 he joined MOKAS, the FIU of Cyprus as an Investigator on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing cases. 

Apart from his main duties as investigator and throughout the 17 years of Mr. Stavrou in MOKAS he was also the representative of Cyprus in different organisations like Europol, the MONEYVAL committee of the Council of Europe, and others. He introduced in Cyprus FIU the automated system for the submission and analysis of suspicious transactions/activities reports being the project manager of the relevant project. This system is now being used by the FIU and all obliged entities in Cyprus.

Since 2017 Mr. Stavrou is working in the banking Sector in Compliance Departments. He is now the Head of Compliance of Société Générale Bank – Cyprus and he is the person responsible for the AML/CFT/Sanctions and Regulatory compliance of the Bank.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 290.00
  • € 120.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 170.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 290.00
  • € 58.00
  • € 44.08
  • € 232.00

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

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Τρίτη - 21 Μαΐου 2024


15:00 - 18:15


Θεόδωρος Σταύρου


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τετάρτη - 22 Μαΐου 2024


15:00 - 18:15


Θεόδωρος Σταύρου


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Advanced Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF)

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22/07/2024 09:00

12 ώρες (2 μέρες)



MSP Business Coaching (Λευκωσία)