Market Integrity: Essential Insights Into Market Abuse Regulation

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

10 Ιουλ 2024 10:00 12 Ιουλ 2024 13:15
7 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
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Market Integrity: Essential Insights Into Market Abuse Regulation


Market abuse refers to prohibited activities in financial markets that can undermine market integrity and investor confidence. In Cyprus, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) regulates market abuse. Key points include: 

  1. Regulatory Framework: CySEC enforces legislation on market abuse to maintain fair and orderly markets. 
  2. EU Regulation: Cyprus adheres to Regulation (EU) 596/2014, known as the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).
  3. Types of Market Abuse: It includes insider dealing, unlawful disclosure of inside information, market manipulation, and more. 

The demand for a Market Abuse course is imperative in finance, aligning with intensified regulatory efforts for market integrity. Professionals must combat fraudulent practices, and this course addresses the need for specialized skills in identifying, preventing, and reporting market abuse. Understanding regulatory nuances is crucial to safeguarding organizations from legal and reputational risks, ensuring compliance with evolving financial standards. Additionally, the course contributes to fostering a fair, ethical, and resilient financial marketplace by empowering professionals to actively prevent market abuse.


Our Market Abuse course aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to combat illicit activities undermining market integrity. Our course is built on the two pillars of market manipulation and insider trading, providing insights into relevant regulations and detection techniques. It empowers individuals to proactively identify suspicious activities, implement robust surveillance, and establish effective compliance protocols.  

By joining our course, participants will: 

At knowledge level: 

  • Gain comprehensive knowledge of EU and national legal frameworks governing market abuse. 
  • Understand the principles and key concepts such as inside information identification, market manipulation, and disclosure requirements. 
  • Background of circumstances surrounding market abuse specific to the Cypriot and EU markets with real life cases. 
  • Understanding of whistleblowing procedures, enabling them to recognize infringements and protect individuals reporting market abuse. 

At skill level: 

  • Ability to navigate and comply with complex EU and national legal frameworks governing market abuse. 
  • Proficiency in applying CySEC’s regulations and applicable market abuse laws, encompassing inside information identification, market manipulation prevention, and adherence to disclosure requirements. 
  • Capacity to appraise, reassess, and modify market abuse prevention mechanisms, controls, and measures. 
  • Develop practical skills in fulfilling reporting obligations to CySEC, including the preparation and submission of PDMR notifications and STORs. 

At attitude level:

  • Develop a heightened awareness of market dynamics, fostering a proactive and vigilant approach to identifying potential instances of market abuse. 
  • Increased sensitivity to ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of fair and transparent practices within the financial industry. 
  • Commitment to regulatory compliance, instilling a sense of responsibility to adhere to legal frameworks and reporting obligations to prevent market abuse. 
  • Adopt an inquisitive mindset, seeking continuous improvement in understanding market regulations and staying abreast of evolving industry standards.
  • A supportive attitude toward whistleblowing, recognizing its role in maintaining market integrity and encouraging a culture that values reporting of potential abuses.


  • Financial Service Professionals: If you’re in banking, investment, or financial advisory, this course is for you. 
  • Compliance and Legal Experts: Stay updated with the latest regulatory requirements and best practices. 
  • Aspiring Financial Regulators: Gain a foundational understanding of one of the most important financial regulations in the EU.
  • Financial Industry Service Providers: Improve your service quality by anticipating your client’s needs and stay ahead of competition.


Training Curriculum:

Chapter 1:Overview of the Market Abuse Regime 

  • EU legal framework governing market abuse
  • National legal framework governing market abuse
  • Defining Market Abuse

Chapter 2: Regulation 596/2014 on Market Abuse (MAR) 

  • Important Definitions
  • Scope & Exemptions
  • Financial Instruments Reference Data System
  • Identifying Inside Information
  • Identifying Insider Dealing
  • Legitimate Behavior
  • Unlawful Disclosure
  • Market Soundness
  • Prohibitions
  • Disclosure Requirements
  • Investment Recommendation Considerations
  • Market Manipulation
  • Accepted Market Practises
  • Prevention & Detection of Market Abuse
  • Competent Authority
  • Amending Regulations

Chapter 3: LAW 102(I)/2016 

  • Role & Responsibilities
  • Powers
  • Administrative Measures & Sanctions
  • Publication of Decisions

Chapter 4: LAW 136(I)/2016 

  • Purpose
  • Criminal Offenses

Chapter 5: Asset Management Firms 

  • Circumstances of Market Abuse

Chapter 6: PDMR Notification to CySEC 

  • Obligations & Scope
  • Preparation & Submission

Chapter 7: Submission of STORs to CySEC 

  • Obligations & Scope
  • Preparation & Submission

Chapter 8: Whistleblowing 

  • Infringement Reporting
  • Protected Persons
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  • € 230.00
  • € 140.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 90.00

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  • € 230.00
  • € 100.00
  • € 24.70
  • € 130.00

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**HRDA-approved seminars are exempt from VAT for eligible organizations applying for the HRDA subsidy. For seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy, a 19% VAT will apply. Persons who are registered as unemployed are allowed two free seminars every year if they bring the relevant permit from the Public Employment Service office.


Τετάρτη - 10 Ιουλ 2024


10:00 - 14:15


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Παρασκευή - 12 Ιουλ 2024


10:00 - 13:15


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Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Market Integrity: Essential Insights Into Market Abuse Regulation

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Market Integrity: Essential Insights Into Market Abuse Regulation...

Market abuse refers to prohibited activities in financial markets that can undermine market integrity and investor confidence. In Cyprus, the Cyprus Securities ...

10/07/2024 10:00

7 ώρες (2 μέρες)



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