Asset Due Diligence: An Overview

24 Οκτ 2024 10:00 24 Οκτ 2024 13:15
3 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
Asset Due Diligence: An Overview


Together with the increased focus on international financial sanctions, regulators are starting to pay more attention to the fast-growing asset class: private assets. The AML-related due diligence that financial institutions should conduct on them has started to arise as one of the major concerns, in absence of clear guidance. This is applicable mostly to the funds industry, but can also be extended to any industry that deals with investments. 

This course will aim at giving the participants a quick refresher on the types of assets available and their risks, make them explore different types of AML due diligence that can be performed depending on the type of asset. Finally, participants will be invited to resolve several case studies.


By attending this programme, participants will:

  • Refresh their knowledge on listed and private assets
  • Discover the regulatory focus on asset due diligence
  • Understand the key points in asset due diligence in relation to each type of asset class
  • Be able to apply their knowledge to case studies


  • CCOs
  • AMLCOs / MLROs
  • Head / Deputy Heads of FCC
  • Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Regulatory compliance officers
  • AML / KYC Officers
  • Chief legal officers
  • Legal advisors
  • Internal auditors


Training Outline 

Private assets – refresher

  • What types of private assets exist and how they are packaged
  • What the related risks are
  • How to conduct a risk assessment 

Real estate transactions AML due diligence

  • Different types of risk
  • Due diligence on parties related to the transactions 

Private credit transactions AML due diligence

  • Different types of risk
  • Private debt vs syndicated debt
  • Required documents
  • Name screening 

Private equity

  • Due diligence on target, related parties, principal and agent
  • Attention points on beneficial ownership 

Tangible assets AML due diligence

  • Art, wine and luxury items 

Case studies

Training Style

 The programme is designed to deliver a brief insight into a fairly new regulatory attention point which is asset due diligence. It will strive to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge via lectures supported by power-point presentations and practical examples. The training style is both training-focused, involving a combination of presentation and real-live examples, but also learner-focused, where participants are encouraged to raise questions, seek clarifications and share their opinions from their different perspectives and engage in an exchange of views and personal professional experiences.

 CPD Recognition

 This programme may be approved for up to 6 CPD units in Financial Regulation and AML. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.

 This training course may be approved as an external activity under the new ACAMS recertification category ”non-ACAMS credits” for up to 6 CPD units. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by the Association of Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). To read more about the non-ACAMS credits policies and eligibility criteria please click here.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Anastasia Savvateeva - Expert in Financial Compliance

Anastasia is a Luxembourg-certified MLRO for banks and funds industry, winner of the 2023 US Compliance Week Excellence Awards in the category “Rising Star in Compliance”.  Anastasia has almost 10 years of experience in compliance in the financial field (Corporate & Investment Banking, Private Banking) and audit & consulting sector, in France and in Luxembourg.  She is a member of several compliance associations and as such is a Certified Compliance and AFC Professional. Passionate about the fight against financial crime, she actively participates in various workshops and working groups, and does not miss any chance to take up new challenges, such as, for example, her participation in 2017 in the Transparency International Summer School On Integrity programme (Lithuania), joint projects with Transparency International France, and her engagement as a Subject Matter Expert with Ecofel (The Egmont Group).  She has been featured in several professional compliance magazines, such as Compliance Week, KYC360 and inCompliance. She is also a regular speaker in major compliance and AFC-related webinars and conferences in Europe.  Anastasia has been providing practical training on financial crime compliance topics for professionals from various fields for 8 years now and has given lectures on financial crime to students of various majors in different French universities. Her areas of expertise include:  Anti-Financial Crime and AML, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery, International Sanctions, Internal Audit, Controls and Compliance Testing.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 150.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 28.50
  • € 150.00

Πέμπτη - 24 Οκτ 2024


10:00 - 13:15


Anastasia Savvateeva


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Asset Due Diligence: An Overview