Excel Workshop

- Πληροφορική - Χρήστες

10 Δεκ 2024 09:00 11 Δεκ 2024 16:15 KPMG (Λευκωσία)
11.7 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
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Excel Workshop


The increased importance of data analytics and efficiency gains in the context of professional settings create the need to effectively deploy Microsoft Excel, particularly in relation to data management and analysis, which can assist professionals in capitalising on the information they use on a day-to-day basis.

The present workshop aims to improve participants’ competencies in using Excel by presenting various Excel practices and demonstrating useful Excel functionalities, while concurrently providing participants with the opportunity to apply multiple techniques through exercises. Participants will be able to familiarise themselves with both basic and advanced functions of Excel, as well as effectively design charts and graphs. 


Following completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the basic functionalities of Excel
  • Express best practices for using Excel
  • Apply formulas and functions to solve complex problems in Excel
  • Organise, analyse and manage data more efficiently
  • Develop scenario analyses and sensitivity analyses using Excel
  • Participate more actively in the identification of effective alternative techniques in Excel to achieve business targets.


The seminar is targeted at professionals involved in various business sectors who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in Excel. Participants’ roles may be widely diverse, including administrative officers, analysts, engineers and entrepreneurs.

In order to participate in the workshop, participants are required to possess basic knowledge of computer use, as well as have prior experience in using Excel at a basic level, such as creating and editing Excel sheets and applying basic Excel functions.

Specialised technical knowledge or experience in any industry of the economy is NOT required.



1. Course Introduction (15 min)

2. Effective navigation (45 min)

  • Navigation techniques
  • Keyboard shortcuts for navigation
  • Useful settings

3. Excel leading practices (30 min)

4. Working with excel data (2 hr & 15 min)

  • Data types
  • Copying and moving data
  • Data formatting
  • Excel tables

5. Formulas and functions (1hr & 45 min)

  • Formula structures
  • Cell referencing
  • Calculation options
  • Mathematical functions
  • Counting functions

6. Questions (30 min)

  • Q&A session

-- Day 2 --

7. Formulas and functions (continued) (2hr)

  • Text functions
  • Date functions
  • Logical functions
  • Lookup functions

8. Troubleshooting errors (20 min)

  • Presentation of troubleshooting tools

9. Scenario and sensitivity analysis (40 min)

  • Scenario and sensitivity analysis functionalities

10.Data management and visualisation (2hr & 10 min)

  • Text-to-column
  • Data validation
  • Pivot tables
  • Graphs and charts design

11. Course summary and questions (30 min).


Our services include:

  • Handouts, including the hard copy presentation, examples, case studies, exercises, and additional notes, if applicable.
  • Stationery, such as pads, pens, and files.
  • Drinks (coffee, tea, etc.) and a buffet lunch.
  • A fully equipped training room with WiFi access.
  • Certificate of completion.


Prodromos Papanikolaou (Senior Manager, Deal Advisory, KPMG in Cyprus)

Prodromos is a Senior Manager in the Deals Advisory department of KPMG in Cyprus and has over nine years of experience in the field of Deal Advisory Services. He has been involved in the preparation of financial models, valuations, mergers and acquisitions, privatisations, financing and restructuring projects for many public and private companies from different sectors including financial services, infrastructure, energy, education, agriculture, retail and tourism. Through this wide hands-on experience, he has gained unique in-depth knowledge of the business dynamics in practical situations.

Prodromos has a BSc in Finance from the University of Cyprus. He is, also, a CFA charter holder and a member of the CFA Society Cyprus. He has presented various seminars on valuation and the use of MS Excel.  

Michalis Stylianides (Senior Manager, Deals Advisory, KPMG in Cyprus)

Michalis is a Senior Manager in the Deals Advisory department at KPMG in Cyprus. He holds a BSc in Finance, Accounting and Management and an MSc in Risk Management, both from the University of Nottingham.

Michalis has been involved, among others, in valuations, mergers and acquisitions, privatisations, financing and restructuring projects. His clients include public and private companies from various sectors, such as financial services, retail, tourism and real estate. Through his hands-on experience, Michalis has gained in-depth understanding of the current business environment both at local and international level.

He is a member of the Institute of Risk Management (IRMCert) and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). He has delivered various seminars on valuation, financial modelling and use of MS Excel for both KPMG staff and clients.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 415.00
  • € 233.60
  • € 0.00
  • € 181.40
  • € 181.40

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 415.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 78.85
  • € 415.00
  • € 493.85

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

Discounts available 10% discount for more than two (3+) participants from the same company 10% discount for individuals/legal entities who/which register in more than two (3+) seminars during the same semester 10% discount for alumni members. *Last Date for 10% Early Bird Discount: 19/11/2024


Τρίτη - 10 Δεκ 2024


09:00 - 16:15


KPMG (Λευκωσία)

Τετάρτη - 11 Δεκ 2024


09:00 - 16:15


KPMG (Λευκωσία)

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Excel Workshop

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