How Internet Marketing Can Increase Your Sales

- Digital Marketing/ Sales/ Service

09 Μαρτίου 2025 17:04 09 Μαρτίου 2025 17:04
1.5 ώρες ( ημέρα )
How Internet Marketing Can Increase Your Sales


In this online course you will learn some essential digital marketing tips that will help you realize the potential of digital marketing. This is the first step to enter the digital marketing world and learn what you have to do in order to generate sales and leads.


By the end of the training you will be able:

  • To understand the potential of digital marketing
  • What the statistics shows concerning internet marketing and e-commerce.
  • To understand the benefits of e-commerce
  • What to be aware of when marketing online
  • How you can get the “Digital Marketing and Sales” diploma


Useful Information:

  • Online Course On Demand: You can watch the videos whenever you want.
  • Training Time: 90 Minutes
  • Access to the online course: 10 days
  • Trainer: Adonis Anastasiou
  • Teaching Language: English
  • Certification of Attendance: Not available
  • Additional Support: In case you will need extra support you can buy one-to-one online coaching hours.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Άδωνης Αναστασίου - Managing Director at Adonis Business Academy
For a free seminar participation at Adonis Business Academy just fill the form at Adonis Anastasiou is an effective Business Coach and trainer in Cyprus with an amazing record of assisting client-companies to grow their sales and size even in turbulent times. His 100% success rate, in increasing the sales of his clients, makes him the ideal Business Coach for any company that strives for growth in a recession environment. Other areas of expertise are Keynote Speaker...

Αγορά: How Internet Marketing Can Increase Your Sales

€ 11.90
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How Internet Marketing Can Increase Your Sales...

In this online course you will learn some essential digital marketing tips that will help you realize the potential of digital marketing. This is the first step...

09/03/2025 17:04

