Cross Border EU VAT: Rules and Principles
- Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά
Strong leadership this course focuses exclusively on cross border EU VAT.
Participants will learn how to analyze cross border transactions in order to correctly evaluate all necessary aspects in determining the VAT treatment.
This course sets two main objectives:
- To present the relevant rules and principles methodically with sufficient clarity without losing sight of the complexities involved in cross border transactions, and
- To help participants develop a good level of competence in solving cross border EU VAT issues by applying the correct rules and principles.
This course is suitable for anyone with interest in cross border EU VAT issues or anyone dealing with cross-border EU VAT on a regular basis. Both beginners and more advanced VAT users will benefit from the course, which is appropriate for accounting staff, financial controllers, and other professionals handling VAT issues internally or managing the VAT affairs of clients.
Seminar Outline
Topic 1: Introduction
- Overview of EU VAT legislation, Structure of the Principal VAT Directive and explanation of important concepts: Fiscal Neutrality, Effectiveness of Rights, Legitimate Expectations, Abuse of Rights
Topic 2: Scope, Taxable Transactions, Territory, Taxable Persons Basic charge to tax, taxable persons
- supplies of goods and services, deemed supplies of goods and services, deemed despatches and acquisitions
Topic 3: Place of Supply of Goods
Origin and Destination system, Place of supply of goods, Basic and Special Rules including Distant Selling, Missing Trader and Despatch Fraud. Place of acquisitions, Triangulation. Place of importation of goods.
Topic 4: Place of Supply of Services (Basic Rules)
- B2B and B2C Basic Rule, place of belonging (Permanent and fixed establishments), guidance on the status of a customer.
- B2B and B2C Basic Rule, place of belonging (Permanent and fixed establishments), guidance on the status of a customer
Topic 5: Place of Supply of Services (Special Rules)
- B2B and B2C overrides including Telecommunications, Broadcasting and Electronically supplies services, MOSS (Union and Non-Union Schemes), Use and Enjoyment Provisions.
Topic 6 & 7: Exemptions
- Exemption on dispatches and exports, exemptions on acquisitions and imports.
Topic 8: Accounting Obligations
- Persons liable for payment of the VAT, Reverse charge, Invoices and Paper work, recapitulative statements (VIES)
Topic 9: Refund of VAT to Non-Established Persons
- Directive on cross border refunds and the 13th Directive
Topic 10: Definite VAT System, Quick Fixes, and VAT E-commerce Package
- 2020 Quick Fixes, and VAT E-Commence Package (New distant selling rules) and One Stop Shop (OSS)
Lecturer’s Profile: Constantinos Kounnis, BA, ACA
Constantinos is a Cambridge University graduate with a degree in Economics and a professional Chartered Accountant and member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) as well as the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC)
He is an experienced tax practitioner and holds the prestigious ADIT qualification (Advanced Diploma in Internati onal Tax) with Distinction, ranking among the first 10 worldwide candidates in 2017. His scripts for 2 out of the 3 papers, Principles in International Taxation and EU VAT have been published on the Institute’s website as recommended candidate scripts.
He is also a licensed Insolvency Practitioner and he was ranked 1st in the Sept-2016 Insolvency Practitioner exams. He was also involved in a number of receiverships appointed by The Bank of Cyprus as well as a number of liquidations, company restructurings and reorganizations.
Constantinos has qualified with Deloitte, London and has been involved in the audit and advisory of a number of high profile public and private companies Subsequently to thi s he has also worked for KPMG Cyprus, and has gained significant experience in the fields of audit, tax and advisory. He is currently the managing di rector of C.Kounnis & Partners Ltd, an accounting firm in Cyprus which specializes in audit, tax and financial advisory.
Constantinos has been involved in teaching and mentoring for a number of years to include academic and professional courses in Business Strategy and Taxation. He has been renowned for hi s depth of knowl edge, uni que exam techni que skills and extensive student support offered to his students.
All participants will be awarded a certificate. Each hour of attendance will account for one unit of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as required for members of most professional bodies.
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
- € 180.00
- € 0.00
- € 0.00
- € 180.00
- € 180.00
Πέμπτη - 12 Δεκ 2024
09:00 - 12:15
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Παρασκευή - 13 Δεκ 2024
09:00 - 12:15
OnLine Virtual Classroom