Are You Equipped For Success?

Soft Skills/Επικοινωνία,⠀
Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR),⠀
Καινοτομία/Start Ups,⠀
Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία,⠀
Are You Equipped For Success?

Recently one of EIMF expert trainers Lefki Angeli offered insight to a conversation she had with a CEO that once again brought some interesting questions to the forefront with regards to our organisations and our people, making us stop for a moment to ask if we are indeed equipped to bring the desired results for our organisations.

Lefki shared: I recently met a CEO who was disappointed with the overall results of his organisation. When he started the company, he had grand expectations but was now confused by the poor progress made. He told me;

“I hire smart, dedicated and hard-working people to manage my teams; the industry’s finest to train them on the technical aspects of the job; I invest in the best technologies and provide good benefits. What else can I do?”

This is a frequent question asked by leaders who, like this CEO, assume that graduating from a great university, high IQ, experience, and technical skills, equip managers to drive organisational success. Unfortunately, although these aspects are important and a solid basis, alone, they are not enough, especially for success at higher ranked levels. What’s missing? A type of intelligence that is just as important but largely overlooked and underdeveloped in the workplace, that is Emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to identify and manage your own and others’ emotions. As extensive research substantiates, EQ is comprised of competencies that are paramount to success. For over two decades research has looked at criteria for success and outstanding performance in business, (and elsewhere) and the results concur that EQ Is a key proponent of success, while a lack of this is often detrimental.


Research by the Center for Creative Leadership, for example, concluded that the primary causes of executive derailment, (failure of individuals at executive-levels) involve deficits in EQ ability. The top three of these are difficulty in handling change; inability to work well in a team and poor interpersonal relations. (

Conversely, a study which looked at outstanding performance among engineers, concluded that four of the top six factors that differentiate the best engineers, including the top two, relate to the following EQ competencies; strong achievement drive and high achievement standards; influence; initiative and confidence. (Search Inside Yourself Chade-Meng Tan 1994)

And many other studies substantiate indisputable links between EQ and success in workplace performance and professional development, as well as many other aspects of life including academic performance, interpersonal relationships and even health, personal satisfaction and happiness.

So, success, requires a balanced blend of EQ as well as IQ and technical skill, so that leaders not only understand the business but also know how to engage, motivate and develop people and relationships. Looking at the four competencies of EQ in the table above and the skills that fall within these with the above-mentioned CEO, it become clear to him what was missing. And the good news is that EQ can be developed and improved. So, ask yourself, are you equipped for success?

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