Forever Young

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Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία,⠀
Forever Young

There is a question that has occupied our minds sometime but almost never came to a solid conclusion. At what point in our life are we turning ‘old’?

Well, the most inspiring answer I came across with is the following.

You are turning old the moment when your memories grow bigger and faster than your dreams!

Just think about it. What is your grandma talking about when you hold her hands? Well, most probably about her life and memories hm? What is a young postgraduate talking about at the same time? Probably about his/her plans how to conquer the World!

Never let this happen, even at your 90s. How? Keep educating, keep dreaming, keep creating plans, and keep straggle for your new targets.

Education has a knowledge and skills content, this content creates targets, creates dreams and creates a will for further development, success and recognition.

You will never see a 25year old in headlines for graduating the college but you will see a 92 year old in headlines for exactly the same reason.

Life-time learning is the key for staying young without the need to experiment with cryogenetics!!!

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