LIVE ONLINE COURSE - Cambridge Law Studio - Illuminate Legal English Programme
- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

llluminate is a ten-course online legal English programme for international lawyers and law students. This practical and up-to-date training opportunity invites you to study the legal vocabulary and common law concepts needed to work in commercial law at an international level. A major aim of Illuminate is to increase your employability in an increasingly competitive job market. This course does what a legal English dictionary cannot help you with! The course is accredited and offered by Cambridge Law Studio in the UK. ELTRC is an accredited partner of Cambridge Law Studio.
AUTHORISED PARTNER:https://www.cambridgelawstudio.co.uk/partners/european-legal-training-center-ltd/
Illuminate is based on our legal English courses in Cambridge, they we have taught English to international commercial lawyers from all over the world for more than twenty years. The main focus of the programme is the vocabulary of commercial contracts, the vocabulary of companies and other forms of business, and the practical issues that any lawyer needs to consider in order to develop valuable commercial awareness.
There is no other legal English training course as beneficial as Illuminate on the market anywhere in the world. Start studying today and take a huge step towards your future in international commercial law!
This all-inclusive programme contains ALL TEN of the Illuminate courses.
We believe that Illuminate is the most commercial, practical and beneficial legal English course available anywhere in the world. It is a careful blend of valuable legal information, video lessons and comprehension testing, all of which you can repeat as often as you need to.
The focus is 100% on material that is useful to working commercial lawyers, providing detailed explanations of contract vocabulary, contract law and the liability of businesses for potential risks such as negligence and nuisance claims.
This programme is accredited for CPD points (CLE, USA) and you will receive a certificate for 10 CPD points from the UK CPD Standards Office, recognised world-wide, upon completion. The course is also accredited by the Cyprus Bar Association for 10 CPD points
CPD training is a requirement for most lawyers around the world and is also a great advantage on the CV of a law student looking for his or her first position in a commercial legal office.
Course access: this online legal English course will be supported by an asynchronous course for 120 days after purchase.
This course contains:
- Illuminate 1: The Formation of a Contract
- Illuminate 2: Boilerplate Clauses in Commercial Contracts
- Illuminate 3: The Liability of Businesses for Negligence
- Illuminate 4: Sole Traders and Traditional Partnerships
- Illuminate 5: Contractual Warranties
- Illuminate 6: The Liability of Businesses for Nuisance
- Illuminate 7: Damages as a Remedy for Breach
- Illuminate 8: Payment Clauses and Retention of Title
- Illuminate 9: An Introduction to Limited Companies
- Illuminate 10: The Structure of a Commercial Contract
Illuminate is great practice for ALL THREE LEVELS of the TOLES exams in legal English.
- Licensed lawyer
- trainee lawyer
- legal assistant
- legal secretary.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 400.00
- € 204.00
- € 76.00
- € 196.00
- € 233.24
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 400.00
- € 0.00
- € 76.00
- € 400.00
- € 476.00
Τρίτη - 12 Οκτ 2021
16:00 - 19:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Τετάρτη - 13 Οκτ 2021
16:00 - 19:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Πέμπτη - 14 Οκτ 2021
16:00 - 19:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Παρασκευή - 15 Οκτ 2021
16:00 - 19:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom