LIVE ONLINE - Microsoft Excel Basic Level For Technical, Scientific and Supervisory Personnel
- Πληροφορική - Χρήστες

Microsoft Excel is an essential application in today’s work environment. Microsoft Excel is a tool for the creation of spreadsheets and graphs, for performing calculations, data analysis and much more..
Microsoft Excel is useful for the company’s financial administration and monitoring and can also be useful in sales, expense monitoring , creation of lists, converting data into visuals (graphs) etc.
This course is the first of a series of three courses and covers the basic features of the application.
Content Table
- Unit1: Introduction
- Unit2: Working with Files
- Unit3: Working with Sheets
- Unit4: The Fill Handle
- Unit5: Creating a table
- Unit6: Columns and Rows
- Unit7: Creating Simple Formulae
- Unit8: Functions
- Unit9: Formatting
- Unit10: Inserting Graphics
- Unit11: Printing
This course is for beginners wishing to gain the basic knowledge in ExcelΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ
The course is 100% practical. The topics are delivered with short presentations by the instructor followed by a step-by-step demonstration by the instructor and repetition by the students, examples and discussions on how a feature may be used with real life examples and practice through written exercises.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 280.00
- € 144.00
- € 0.00
- € 136.00
- € 136.00
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 280.00
- € 0.00
- € 53.20
- € 280.00
- € 333.20