Emotional intelligence (EQ) For Effective Management

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία

20 Ιουν 2023 09:00 22 Ιουν 2023 12:45
7 ώρες ( 2 μέρες )
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Emotional intelligence (EQ) For Effective Management


The current business realities of our digital era are reshaping the rules for business success and making great demands on today’s managers, who are more challenged than ever before.

For today’s manager to safeguard success, technical competencies and effective day-to-day management and coordination are not enough; they also need to develop a leadership mind-set and a set of competencies with which they can successfully lead people to achieve personal, departmental and company goals.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ), an essential management requirement of our era, encompasses a set of competencies which allow managers to develop the leadership mind-set and the competencies they need to be successful by enabling them to understand and manage emotions and impulses in themselves and others, to communicate effectively, problem solve and build rapport even in stressful and tense situations.

This programme uses learnings from the latest management thinking and research, to enable managers to develop a leadership mind-set and equip them with the tools, skills and techniques they need to harness the power of EQ and safeguard their success.


The purpose of the current programme is to help managers nurture and refine their leadership mindset and emotional intelligence competencies to bring successful practices, techniques and tools to their everyday tasks and duties. Upon completion, participants will: 

  • Understand the importance of a leadership mindset and the link between this and emotional intelligence
  • Recognise their own management style and the impact that this has on the behaviour, motivation and performance of those around them
  • Realise the potential of cognitive diversity and know how to adapt their approach and communication style to maximize the effectiveness of their collaboration, regardless of the working style of the other person
  • Recognise different leadership styles and know when to apply these
  • Understand the power of empathy and how to use this as an effective leader to motivate, inspire and engage those around them


The programme is suitable for managers of all levels especially those working in demanding and face-paced environments, including: 

  • Novice managers looking to develop their management and leadership capabilities
  • Experienced managers looking to update, reinforce and/or refine existing knowledge and skills


Training Outline

The current business landscape and the need for new skills
  • Developing a leadership mindset – how emotional intelligence can assist
 Developing Self-Awareness
  • Understanding emotions and their impact on leadership
  • Recognising my style and preferences and how this affects those around me
  • Appreciating that management style is a choice
  • Self-management to be an effective leader
Social Awareness
  • Harnessing the power of empathy – seeing things from other’s perspective
  • Effective communication – it’s not just about information
  • Assertive communication

Relationship Management

  • Building cooperative relationships with staff and other key stakeholders

Training Style

This course is interactive in nature and participants will be actively involved, using their own experiences and challenges to reinforce and adapt the new knowledge and skills to their own reality, as well as examples, case studies and simulations provided by the trainer.

Use of self-assessments and reflective exercises will also allow participants to increase their self-awareness and provide opportunity for peer reflection and discussion

All sessions will combine elements of PowerPoint presentations, Flip-chart notes, small group and open discussions, audio/visual material and experiential exercises

Lefki Angeli

Lefki is a former practitioner in sociology and psychology and as such, has a strong understanding of human behaviour and the motives that drive this. Using this knowledge in the design and implementation of her training, enables her to design and deliver programmes that are relevant and practical hence maximizing participants engagement and learning. With a distinctive passion for human improvement and development, she has been actively involved in training and development throughout her 20+ year professional journey, training and coaching both colleagues and clients. Over the course of this journey, she has earned the reputation as an engaging and effective professional whose excellent communication skills and supportive approach enables her deliver long-lasting results to her clients. Lefki has extensive experience in the training of business professionals as well as coaching of individuals across, levels, industries and areas of specialty. Indeed, she has worked with many renowned organisations including Fortune 500 corporations and Government agencies locally as well as internationally. Her sector experience covers a broad spectrum, such as FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Information Technology, Education and Banking. Some of her most prominent courses include Managing People for High Performance, Harnessing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Effective Communication that brings workplace results and How to Develop and Maintain High Performing Teams, all of which have earning positive evaluations as informative, relevant and practical.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Λευκή Αγγελή - EQ Practitioner and Executive Trainer

Lefki Angeli, Corporate and Family Coach and Trainer, is a graduate and former practitioner in sociology and psychology and as such, she has a strong understanding of human behaviour and the motives that drive this.

During her 20+ year professional journey Lefki has worked in an array of fields including primary and secondary education, psychology, sociology, corporate market research and learning and development.

With an innate passion for human improvement and development, in all the positions Lefki has held, she has actively sought to be involved in, or entirely responsible for the training, development and coaching of those around her including colleagues and clients. As a result of this she has considerable experience in the training of business professionals of all levels and across industries and areas of specialty as well as in the teaching and coaching of children, and parents.

In addition to her experience in training needs identification and analysis Lefki has taught a vast gamma of subjects including English as a foreign language, qualitative research, emotional intelligence in the workplace and in the home, presentation skills, effective people management, effective communication, reflective listening, and many more.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 0.00
  • € 119.00
  • € 0.00
  • € -119.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 220.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 41.80
  • € 220.00

Τρίτη - 20 Ιουν 2023


09:00 - 12:45


Λευκή Αγγελή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Πέμπτη - 22 Ιουν 2023


09:00 - 12:45


Λευκή Αγγελή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Emotional intelligence (EQ) For Effective Management

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