Performance Management

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR)

31 Ιαν 2026 23:13 31 Ιαν 2026 23:13
8 ώρες ( ημέρα )
Performance Management


Performance Management is making sure the employee and the organization they are employed by are focused on the same priorities. Performance Management within an organization improves production and reduces waste. It helps the employee set and meet goals, and improves the employee/manager relationship. The key to keeping an organization and employee aligned; improving performance and productivity, is through Performance Management.

When changes occur, Performance Management helps the transition to be smoother and less hectic. It helps the organization and employee create a stream-lined relationship which improves communication and interaction. Performance Management will help close any gaps that exist in an employee’s skill-set, and make them a more valuable employee through feedback and coaching.

Employees are the heart of any organization. You want them to be happy, satisfied with their work, and to be living up to their full potential. Which is why performance management is so vital. Your managers need to know how to monitor employee performance and help create the right environment for them to excel in. This course collection will show your managers how.

With this course, managers will learn how to prepare for and run an Effective One-To-One Meeting. They will understand how to have a Constructive Conversation About Low Performance, and how to Manage Short & Long-Term Sickness. The collection also includes courses for the employees, such as how to prepare for a One-To-One Meeting and How to take good notes in a Meeting.

During this 8-hour self-paced elearning course, learners will have the opportunity to learn the following:

  • Define performance management.
  • Understand how performance management works, and the tools to make it work.
  • Learn the three phases of project management and how to assess it.
  • Discuss effective goal-setting.
  • Learn how to give feedback on performance management.
  • Identify Kolb’s Learning Cycle.
  • Recognize the importance of motivation.
  • Develop a performance journal and performance plan.

Course Content

  • What is Performance Management?
  • How Does Performance Management Work?
  • Goal Setting
  • Establishing Performance Goals
  • 360-degree Feedback
  • Competency Assessments
  • Kolb’s Learning Cycle
  • Motivation
  • The Performance Journal
  • Creating a Performance Plan

Training method

With case examples that make learning stick
Cases studies and stories are one of the best ways to remember information. So, every module is built around a memorable context your users won’t forget.
Written & reviewed by experts
Each topic is heavily researched using the most up-to-date information from subject matter experts. Senior instructional designers review every module to ensure that the intended skills and knowledge are transferred.

Registration and Access

To register to this course, click on the 'Purchase Now' (Αγορά Τώρα) button to pay online and receive your access instantly. 

If you wish to receive an invoice instead of paying online, please contact us at 

Access to the course is valid for 365 days.


Once you complete the above modules you will receive your certificate, which is issued by the European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF).

Αγορά: Performance Management

€ 168.07
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31/01/2026 23:13

