Introduction to Cyprus Companies Law & Practice
- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

This is an online seminar, funded by the HRDA and offers 15 verified CPD points by the Cyprus Bar Association.
Aims of the seminar:
- To understand the different types of companies regulated under Cyprus Law.
- To understand who runs the company and what the function of each organ of a company is.
- Draft a memorandum of understanding and articles of association in accordance with the client’s needs. Drafting specific provisions for the amendment of objects and articles.
- To understand the position of shareholders and draft ordinary and special resolutions
- To understand the indoor management rule and the real apparent and ostensible authority and directors duties.
- To understand the role of members and general meetings. To be able to draft minutes, proxies and notices.
- To understand the legal framework for the protection of minority shareholders in a company
- To understand and describe the authorized and issued share capital.
- To be able to undertake an increase or reduction in share capital (including applying to the court for an extension of time).
- To understand how and be able to make changes to a company.
- Be able to undertake an effective due diligence review of the company.
- Understand the role of the AGM and the audited financial statements and be able to draft the relevant resolution
- Describe the role of the power of attorney and be able to draft an effective power of attorney.
- Understand the KYC procedures that apply to the services provided to a company in Cyprus.
Why this seminar is important for you?
- Corporate Law is one of the most sought specializations of law in Cyprus. The number of candidates who prefer to pursue corporate law (either as a lawyer or administrator) has seen unprecedented growth in the last few years.
- This course is practical. The trainer will show you ‘How’ rather than just what and you will receive multiple templates and advice on the practical application of the law.
- There are many benefits to studying a course regarding the practical application of the law.
- It is an excellent addition to your CV - especially with so many employers requesting experience with the practical side of company law. A qualification like this will help to prove to a prospective employer that you will be able to hit the ground running!
- This seminar is taught by highly experienced lawyers and experts in corporate law.
Be able to undertake an effective due diligence review of the company.
Understand the role of the AGM and the audited financial statements and be able to draft the relevant resolution
Describe the role of the power of attorney and be able to draft an effective power of attorney
Understand the KYC procedures that apply to the services provided to a company in Cyprus.
Understand the legal framework for nominee shareholders and trustee arrangements.
Describe and undertake the procedure for company certificates
Describe and understand the importance of the substance of a company (management and control).
Be able to draft the legal documentation for various transactions such as share purchases, shareholders agreements etc.
Understand and describe the redeemable preference shares and conversions of class.
Understand and describe the process of dissolution of a company.
Lawyers, Corporate Administrators, Compliance Officers, Compliance Assistants, other professionals working in the corporate sector
Course Content
UNIT 1: Introduction to Cyprus companies
Introduction of the course and explanation of organisation and obligations
Trainer introduction
Student introduction
Introduction to Cyprus Companies
Types of Companies in Cyprus
Company Incorporation
Company Names - Practical Exercise: Incorporating a company
UNIT 2: The language of company law - Who runs a company?
Areas of company law
Company Meetings
Company Finance – Case Study
Closing a company
Insolvent Companies
UNIT 3: Memorandum and Articles of Association
What is a Memorandum of Association?
What are Articles of Association?
Amendment of Objects
Amendment of Articles - Group activity: Distinguishing between Memorandums and Articles of Association
Amendment of Articles: Drafting specific provisions
Drafting activity
Group Review and discussion of Drafting Activity
UNIT 4: Organs of the Company
Shareholders - Directors & Secretary
Practical Exercise: Appointment & Resignation of Directors, resolutions & Form HE4
Ordinary and Special Resolutions
Group activity: Distinguishing between Ordinary and Special Resolutions
Drafting specific resolutions
Drafting activity
Group Review and discussion of Drafting Activity
UNIT 5: Shares
Register of Members
Classes of Shares
Practical Exercise: Register of Members entry
Transfer of Shares
Share Purchase Agreements
Drafting specific resolutions
Class activity: Completing Form HE57
Group Review and discussion
UNIT 6: Management
Indoor Management Rule
Real, Apparent and Ostensible Authority
Practical Exercise: Case study
Directors Duties
Case Study
Group exercise
Review and discussion
UNIT 7: Members and General Meetings
Members and General Meetings
Types of General Meetings
Notices - Procedure for General Meetings
Proxies, Minutes & Resolutions
Class exercise
Review and discussion
Thought Shower
UNIT 8: Minority Protection
The Rule in Foss v Harbottle
Exceptions to the Rule
Types of Suits
Case Study
Introduction to Shareholders Agreements
Transcription of Shareholders Agreements into Articles of Association
Drafting exercise
Review and discussion
UNIT 9: Capital - What is share capital?
Authorized & Issued
Increase of capital
Reduction of capital
Issuance of shares above par
Exercise: Completing Forms HE14 and HE12
Applying to Court for an extension of time
Applying to the Court for amendment of the register of members
Division & Subdivision, HE16
UNIT 10: Changes
Change of Name Procedure
Compulsory Change of Name
Change of Registered Office, HE2
Transfer of Management
Group activity
Review and discussion of group activity
Resolution Drafting activity
UNIT 11: Due Diligence Exercises
What is a legal due diligence exercise?
Review of Internal Housekeeping
Review of internal appointments and procedures
Review of register of Members
Drafting an executive summary
Group case study
Drafting activity
Class discussion
UNIT 12: AGMs and Annual Accounts
Annual General Meetings
Audited financial statements
Directors’ Report
Declaration of Final Dividend
Submission of annual return HE32
Review and discussion of group activity
Resolution Drafting activity
Class discussion
UNIT 13: Powers of Attorney
What are Powers of Attorney
POA Drafting Tips
Group Drafting Exercise
Certification & Apostille, distinction from notarization -
Revoking a Power of Attorney
Know-Your Client
Drafting Exercise
UNIT 14: Prevention of Money Laundering/Know-Your-Client
What is Money Laundering?
EU Directive
Anti-Money laundering legislation in Cyprus
Cyprus Bar Association Directive - Collecting and Verifying information
Documents for corporate entities and for individuals
Common corporate documents in other jurisdictions
Group Exercise
UNIT 15: Nominee Shareholders and Trust Arrangements
What are nominee shareholders?
Drafting Declarations of Trust
Collecting and verifying KYC information
Determining the beneficiaries of a trust
Group activity
Discussion on activity
Individual Exercise
UNIT 16: Certificates - Registrar Certificates
Share Certificates
Secretary’s Certificates
Incumbency Certificates
Group activity
Discussion on activity
Practice: Drafting an incumbency certificate and secretary’s certificates
Group Exercise
UNIT 17: Substance
Management & Control
Creating Substance and why it is important
Ways to create substance
Corporate Governance
Local Directors
Physical Meetings
Group activity
Overview and Discussion
UNIT 18: Transactions
Authorizing Transactions
Drafting Resolutions
Share purchases
Share purchase Agreement Closing Mechanics
Share purchase Agreement Conditions Precedent & Subsequent
Group Exercise
UNIT 19: Redeemable Preference Shares/Conversions of class
What are Redeemable Preference Shares
How and when are they created?
Drafting RPS provisions in the articles of association
Share Classes
Conversion of Class
Group Exercise
Group Discussion
Completion of HE16
UNIT 20: Dissolution
Liquidation by the Court
Voluntary Liquidation
Liquidation under the supervision of the Court
Class activity
A brief summary of course material, Questions & Answers
Questionnaire and a closing discussion
Approval of name/change of name
Memorandum & Articles of Association
Appointment-Resignation of Director-Secretary
Transfer of Shares
Issue and Allotment of shares
Trust Deed
Increase of capital
Engagement Letter
Transfer in/out
Reduction of capital
Variation of class rights
Due dilligence checklist/KYC
Liquidation-Strike off
Course Methodology
Live distance learning via Zoom. This method enables the instructor to continuously assess the receptivity of the trainees and to be constantly updated accordingly. During the training, appropriate techniques will be developed and assist the subject of training. The lecture and the regular discussion challenge are the main pillar of the training techniques in this program.
Trainer: Androulla Poutziouris, LLB, LLM, ADVOCATE
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 780.00
- € 624.00
- € 148.20
- € 156.00
- € 185.64
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 546.00
- € 0.00
- € 103.74
- € 546.00
- € 649.74
Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες
Option to pay the employer's contribution in installments.
Πέμπτη - 27 Απρ 2023
16:00 - 20:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Πέμπτη - 04 Μαΐου 2023
16:00 - 20:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
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Πέμπτη - 11 Μαΐου 2023
16:00 - 20:00
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Πέμπτη - 18 Μαΐου 2023
16:00 - 20:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
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Πέμπτη - 25 Μαΐου 2023
16:00 - 20:00
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Πέμπτη - 01 Ιουν 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 08 Ιουν 2023
16:00 - 18:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
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Πέμπτη - 15 Ιουν 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 22 Ιουν 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 29 Ιουν 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 06 Ιουλ 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 13 Ιουλ 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 20 Ιουλ 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 27 Ιουλ 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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Πέμπτη - 03 Αυγ 2023
16:00 - 18:00
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OnLine Virtual Classroom