Introduction to the Cyprus Cannabis Legal Framework

- Πρώτες Βοήθειες/ Υπηρεσίες Υγείας - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

30 Μαΐου 2023 13:00 27 Ιουν 2023 15:00
9 ώρες ( 3 μέρες )
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Introduction to the Cyprus Cannabis Legal Framework


The seminar is also sponsored by the Cyprus Cannabis Association (CY-CA), formed under the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry. CY-CA is leading the collective of individuals and companies that will build the cannabis Eco-system in Cyprus, and advance the interests of a responsible, compliant, transparent and high-quality cannabis industry.

Aims of the seminar:

  • To analyze the basic provisions of the legislation concerning medical and industrial hemp.

  • To apply the basic provisions of the legislation concerning medical and industrial hemp.

  • To explain the correct procedures for submitting a relevant license during the application process.

  • To interpret and apply professional responsibility in this field concerning medical cannabis.

  • To explain and execute the basic procedures for the legal cultivation of cannabis in Cyprus and its export.

  • To develop skills, organize and manage requests from customers regarding applications for the cultivation and export of cannabis in a rational manner for the protection of their customers.

  • To analyze the differences between recreational cannabis and CBD products.

  • To separate the difference between medical cannabis and legal products according to the law.

  • To develop the skills for making applications to the relevant authorities regarding medical and industrial hemp.

  • To participate in good practices and procedures regarding the handling of license submissions during the cannabis cultivation application process.

  • To participate in the application of the legal principles regarding the Law by properly guiding the customers with professional handling.


Why this seminar is important for you?

  • The need for training in the area of Cannabis law is needed since lawyers in Cyprus do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the laws that are in existence. The global cannabis market has grown tremendously over the last decade and is a complex but ever-evolving area of law, regulation and policy which requires experienced advisors/lawyers to navigate this complex area of the cannabis industry.

  • You will understand the key provisions of the legislation and be able to assist and advise clients who may be processors, handlers, transporters, lenders, investors and other clients of the cannabis industry who seek advice from lawyers in Cyprus.

  • You will explore industry legislation, common regulatory dilemmas, the process of securing state and local licenses, and additional compliance-related content.

  • You will take advantage of the many opportunities, learn what works and what doesn’t, and avoid costly missteps in this burgeoning and evolving area of business and practice.

  • This seminar is practical and is taught by highly experienced lawyers and experts in cannabis law.


Course Content

UNIT 1: An introduction to the legal framework on Cannabis

  • The legality of Cannabis in Cyprus

  • Status and recent developments of Cannabis law in Cyprus

  • Europe’s medical cannabis market - an overview

  • Professional Conduct & Ethics for cannabis lawyers in Cyprus overview.

  • An overview of Cannabis law in Cyprus – the general framework lawyers should be working under.

  • Cyprus’ position in the World cannabis market.

  • Questions and answers and discussion.

UNIT 2: Cyprus Medical Cannabis Law

  • The Drug and psychotropic substances law, 1977-2019 - the main provisions you should understand and know.

  • The Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Regulations of 2019 - the main provisions you should understand and know.

  • What is the aim of the Regulations?

  • What makes Cyprus stand out?

  • Who is allowed to apply for a license?

  • How to apply for a license - what procedures should you follow and what should you look out for.

  • The application process and relevant fees.

  • How to advise the persons allowed to apply for the license; important considerations.

  • Cyprus is a leading European medical cannabis producer.

  • Questions

UNIT 3: Cyprus Industrial Hemp Law

  • Cultivation and export of industrial cannabis (hemp) is permitted under 'The Production and Marketing of Industrial Hemp Law of 2016 [Ν.61(Ι)/2016]'. - the main provisions you should understand and know.

  • The Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 of the Council - role in national law.

  • Understanding the difference between industrial hemp and medical cannabis.

  • Is CBD legal in Cyprus?

  • The difference between CBD and THC – understanding and separating the two.

  • How to separate illegal and legal substances according to the law.

  • The cultivation of hemp in Cyprus and export.

  • Recreational cannabis and CBD products – the legal status

  • The applications and the procedure that should be followed how to.

  • Questions, answers, conclusions.

  • Conclusions

Trainer: Ms Androulla Poutziouris and other leading professionals in the field.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Ανδρούλλα Πουτζιουρή - Founder | Director | Lecturer at ELTC

Mrs. Androulla Poutziouri is a qualified Advocate and a Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. Mrs. Poutziouri obtained a double LLB Law degree in English and French Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and the University of Birmingham. She then proceeded to obtain an LLM Degree in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in the UK. Mrs. Poutziouri successfully completed the Cyprus Bar Examinations and was admitted as an Advocate (δικηγόρος) of the Cyprus Bar Association in 2010. She is bilingual in Greek and English (native), with working proficiency in French. 

Mrs. Poutziouri trained as an Advocate at the office of the Attorney General of Cyprus. Upon qualifying, Mrs. Poutziouri worked for various prominent law firms both in Nicosia and Larnaca and was actively involved in litigation, advocacy, negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution and commercial matters where she represented clients and appeared at the District and Supreme Courts of Cyprus. During her legal career, Mrs. Poutziouri has acted both for and against various financial institutions from time to time and was involved in large-scale multi-million Euro real estate transactions. In addition to her professional experience as an Advocate, Mrs. Poutziouri also entered academia as a Lecturer in Law. 

Mrs. Poutziouri brings with her over 10 years of academic legal experience, having taught the LLB Law Degree of the University of Wales and the University of the West of England. Mrs. Poutziouri was also a director and the sole lecturer at the only recognized teaching centre of the University of London in Cyprus, The Private Institute of Law, which provided coaching and tutoring for students registered on LLB (HONS) Law Degree of the University of London. Upon moving to the European Legal Training Center, Androulla has brought with her the wealth of experience in coaching and advising students completing the degree of the University of London. She has actively advised and guided law students and legal executives in all aspects of their legal education, development and career progression.

She is particularly strong in the areas of Public Law, Contract Law, Property Law, Wills & Probate, Equity and Trusts, the English Legal System, Labour Law, Advocates Law and Codes of Conduct, Jurisprudence and was recently accredited by the Human Resource and Development Agency (HRDA) in Cyprus as an ‘Expert in the field of Law’. 

Due to her extensive experience in legal education, Mrs. Poutziouri has also been accredited by leading legal qualifications providers in the UK including the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx), the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP), The British Legal Center and TOLES, the leading provider of English Exams for International Lawyers & Law Students.

Mrs. Poutziouri is a co-founder and director of the European Legal Training Center and brings with her a wealth of practical and academic experience, providing academic direction, education and high-quality legal training to law students, graduates, trainees, Advocates, executives and other professionals. 

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 450.00
  • € 153.00
  • € 85.50
  • € 297.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 450.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 85.50
  • € 450.00

Τρίτη - 30 Μαΐου 2023


13:00 - 15:00


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Τρίτη - 06 Ιουν 2023


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Τρίτη - 13 Ιουν 2023


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Τρίτη - 27 Ιουν 2023


13:00 - 15:00


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Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Introduction to the Cyprus Cannabis Legal Framework