AML/CFT – Typology Based Approach
- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι
In today’s financial landscape, combating Money Laundering is paramount. Two primary strategies can be employed to address this: the Risk-Based Approach and the Typology-Based Approach.
The Risk-Based Approach (RBA) focuses on identifying and mitigating potential risks before they materialize. By assessing various risk factors, organizations can prioritize resources and efforts where they are most needed, ensuring a proactive stance against Money Laundering. On the other hand, the trainer developed the Typology-Based Approach (TBA) that delves into specific methods and patterns used by criminals to launder money. By understanding these typologies, institutions can better detect and respond to suspicious activities, tailoring their defences against known threats. Both approaches are not mutually exclusive but are highly complementary. Combining them allows for a robust and comprehensive anti-Money Laundering strategy.
The Risk-Based Approach offers a broad, preventive framework, while the Typology-Based Approach provides targeted, tactical responses. Implementing both strategies synergistically enhances an organization’s ability to thwart Money Laundering, protecting both the institution and the financial system at large. Together, they form a powerful defence in the fight against financial crime.
By attending this course participants will be able manage their time in the workplace more effectively to achieve more. Specifically, by the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Be able to grasp the overarching objectives of the program to combat Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF) ;
- Understand the differences between financially included and excluded regions and their implications for ML/TF(Global Financial Inclusion) ;
- Learn about international efforts and strategies in fighting organized crime and terrorism related to financial crimes ;
- Be able to differentiate between preventive measures and repressive actions in the fight against ML/TF ;
- Be able to define and to analyse Money Laundering from legal, criminological, and historical perspectives, including its economic and social consequences (preventive and repressive strategies) ;
- Be able to distinguish between Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in terms of motives, processes, and impacts, utilizing models and comparisons ;
- Be able to compare and to contrast the Risk-Based Approach (RBA) and Typology-Based Approach, (TBA), understanding their applications and complementarities.;
- Be able to explore various typologies related to ML/TF based on different criteria such as reporting entities, phases, and professional commitments ;
- Be able to identify and to address new challenges in ML/TF, including Cyberlaundering, new payment methods, and Professional Money Laundering Facilitators ;
- Equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively anticipate, detect, and combat evolving ML/TF threats.
The programme may be eligible for/towards:
- Compliance Officers (AMLCOs)
- Financial Analysts
- Risk Managers
- Company Auditors
- Law Enforcement Officers
- Regulatory Agency Staff
- Banking Professionals
- Legal Professionals
- Financial Services Consultants and Accountants (Cipher Professions)
- Forensic Accountants
- Insurance Professionals
- Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Staff
- Corporate Security Officers
- Cryptocurrency and Fintech Experts
- Customs and Border Protection Agents
- And other AML/CFT Obliged Entities or AML/CFT Reporting Entities
Training Outline
MODULE 1 : Introduction
- Financially included part and excluded part of the world
- Fight against (international) (organized) crime and terrorism
- How is the fight against ML/TF organized – different approaches
- Crime Time Line
- Preventive track
- Repressive track
- Organization of the fight against Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
- Reporting, investigating and prosecution chain
MODULE 2 : Unravelling Money Laundering: Definitions, Motives, and Consequences
- What is Money Laundering – legal description
- Object of Money Laundering
- What is Money Laundering – criminological description – key words
- What is Money Laundering – criminological description – key verbs
- Why do criminals launder money?
- Notion of “Money Laundering” in history
- What makes Money Laundering so interesting for criminals?
- Economic and social consequences of Money Laundering
- Money Laundering – 3-phase model
- Money Laundering versus Terrorist Financing – money flow – origin
- Money Laundering versus Terrorist Financing – money flow – destination
- Money Laundering versus Terrorist Financing – stakeholders
- Money Laundering versus Terrorist Financing – differences
- Synthesis – comparison between money laundering and financing of terrorism
MODULE 3 : Understanding Money Laundering versus Financing of Terrorism
- Money Laundering – 3-phase model
- Money Laundering – two principal characteristics
- What is Financing of Terrorism
- Financing of Terrorism – 3-phase model
- Financing of Terrorism – Money flow – origin
- Financing of Terrorism – Money flow – destination
- ML versus FT – process
- Financing of Terrorism – 2 principal characteristics
- ML versus FT – 3 phase model
- ML versus FT – money flow – origin
- ML versus FT – money flow – destination
- ML versus FT – similarities – stakeholders
- ML versus FT – differences
- Synthesis – comparison between Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
MODULE 4 : Risk Based Approach versus Typology Based Approach
- Introduction – different approaches
- Classic Risk Based Approach
- Risk Based Approach
- Risk Based Approach versus Typology Based Approach – complementary
- Typology Based Approach
MODULE 5 : Typology Based Approach
- Tackling Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism – Typology Based Approach
- Financially included part and financially excluded part of the world
- Categories of typologies
- Financially included part of the world
- Typologies according to the reporting entity
- Typologies according to the Money Laundering phase
- Typologies according to the professional commitments
- Typologies according to the breach of the AML code
- Typologies according to the AML strategy
- Typologies according to the predicate crimes
- Typologies according to the judgements
- Typologies according to the operating mode – techniques
MODULE 6 : Trends and Challenges
- Introduction
- Professional Money Laundering Facilitators
- New Payments Methods
- Fighting Counter Strategies
- Cyberlaundering
- Complexity
Training Style
The programme is designed to deliver advanced knowledge and insights into the intricacies of Money Laundering (ML) and Financing of Terrorism (FT). It aims to enhance participants’ expertise through lectures, supported by PowerPoint presentation. The training style is both instructor-focused, featuring a blend of presentations and real-life examples, and learner-focused, encouraging participants to ask questions, seek clarifications, share their perspectives, and engage in discussions about their professional experiences.
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 6 CPD units in Financial Regulation and AML. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
This training course may be approved as an external activity under the new ACAMS recertification category ”non-ACAMS credits” for up to 6 CPD units. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by the Association of Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). To read more about the non-ACAMS credits policies and eligibility criteria please click here.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
- € 240.00
- € 0.00
- € 45.60
- € 240.00
- € 285.60