The Essentials of Company Law: Setting Up a Company in Cyprus
- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

As a full member of the European Union, Cyprus remains a safe and popular destination for investment due to the significant tax benefits that Cyprus offers. This is also the reason why the registration of Cyprus companies is on the A list of foreign and local businessmen.
Prospects and immense and one must understand the best wat to tap into these opportunities. This programme will cover the A-Z of setting up, and maintaining a Company in Cyprus. It will describe the types of companies that may be registered and the elements which distinguish them from each other.
By the end of the programme, participants:
- Be able to explain the concept of a company
- Recognise the advantages
- Recognise the different types of companies
- Know the procedure of incorporation of a company
- Know the basics regarding the registers a company must keep
- Know the obligations a company has towards the Registrar of Companies and different kinds of forms that must be submitted
The programme is ideal for:
- Lawyers
- Directors and Secretaries
- Corporate Administrators
- Service Providers
- Compliance Officers
- Compliance Assistance
- Anyone wanting to become familiar with the basics of Companies Law in Cyprus
Training Outline
Company Formation
- Doctrine of incorporation – the separate legal personality
- Types of Companies under the Companies Law
- Company promoters
- Procedures of a local company (HE) incorporation
- Conversion of a provate company into public
- Capacity of a company and pre-incorporation contracts
- Company and sole trader
- Company and partnerships
Company Law (Statutory Books, Records, and Return)
- The registers that a company must keep
- Other statutory obligations / records / returns
- Company Law (Constitution of a Company)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association
- – Company name
- Situation of the address of Registered Office
- Objects clause
- Limited liability clause
- Capital clause
- Types of shares/classes of shares
- Variation of class rights
- Transfer of shares
- Declaration of association
- Articles of Association (”ARTICLES”)
Training Style
The programme is designed to deliver knowledge and enhance participants’ skills via short lectures, case-studies, practical examples, real-life simulations. Participants will be able to engage in discussions surrounding the principles of Companies law and understand all the practical knowledge needed to register a company and be able to transfer this knowhow to the workplace.
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 6 CPD units in Law. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
The Cyprus Bar Association (CyBAR) has confirmed that this programme is accredited for 6 CPD units.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 250.00
- € 120.00
- € 0.00
- € 130.00
- € 130.00
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 250.00
- € 0.00
- € 47.50
- € 250.00
- € 297.50
Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες
HRDA-approved seminars are exempted from VAT for eligible organisations applying for the HRDA subsidy. A 19% VAT will apply to seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy
Πέμπτη - 29 Μαΐου 2025
09:30 - 12:45
Σοφία ΝεάρχουΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom