EXIN Privacy & Data Protection: Professional Certificate in General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR
- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

With the ever increasing explosion of information flooding the internet, every company needs to plan how to manage and protect privacy of persons and their data. Not without a reason, many new laws within the EU, as well as in the USA and many other regions, are formed in order to regulate both privacy and data protection.
The European Commission has published the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), meaning that from the 25th of May 2018 on, all organizations concerned must comply with specific rules. This professional certification builds on the subjects covered by the Foundation exam by focusing on the development and implementation of policies and procedures in order to comply with existing and new legislation, application of privacy and data protection guidelines and best practices, and by establishing a data protection management system (DPMS).
The new standard in the ISO/IEC 27000 series: ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Security Techniques – Extension to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 for Privacy Information Management – Requirements and Guidelines is useful for organizations that want to show compliance with the GDPR. The content of the new ISO standard helps fulfill the GDPR obligations to organizations regarding the processing of personal data.
Neither the GDPR nor the ISO standard are exam literature. However, the literature matrix in Chapter 4 is designed to show the link between the exam requirements, the literature, the GDPR and the ISO/IEC 27701:2019 standard to give the certification a broader context.
EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Professional course is an advanced-level certification that validates a professional’s knowledge and understanding of the European privacy (data protection) legislation. The exam looks at the international relevance of these regulations and tests the individual’s ability to apply this knowledge and understanding in everyday professional practice.
EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Professional Certification is ideal for: Data Protection Officers (DPOs), Privacy Officers, Legal / Compliance Officers, Security Officers, Business Continuity Managers, Data Controllers, Data Protection Auditors (internal and external) and HR managers.
As this is an advanced-level certification, it is advisable to have passed EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation or have attended other similar type of courses or certifications before taking this exam.
Training Outline
Data Protection Policies
- Purpose of the Data Protection and Privacy Policies within an Organization
- Data Protection by Design and by Default
Managing and Organizing Data Protection
- Phases of the Data Protection Management System (DPMS)
Roles of the Controller, Processor and Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- Roles of the Controller and Processor
- Role and Responsibilities of a DPO
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
- Criteria for a DPIA
- Steps of a DPIA
Data Breaches, Notification and Incident Response
- GDPR Requirements with Regard to Personal Data Breaches
- Requirements for Notification
Learning Approach
The course sessions will include:
- Practical questions and examples
- Practical exercises and discussions
- Practice tests that are like the Certification Exam
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 21 CPD units in GDPR and Privacy Management. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
Course Bundle
Register to both the EXIN Foundation and Professional Certificate training courses at EIMF and enjoy a special discount.
Certification and Exam
Exam is optional, and participants will receive a certificate of attendance by EIMF without sitting the relevant EXIN examinations. If you choose to take the exam you will need to inform us, so we can make necessary arrangements.
EIMF, as an EXIN Accredited Training Provider and Exam Centre, is offering preparation courses and examinations to become a Privacy & Data Protection Professional, starting with this Foundation Certificate.
EXIN Anywhere | EXIN Anywhere lets you take the exam for your certification online. This means taking your exam at a time and location convenient to you. So this can be at home, in a meeting room at the office or in any other secluded space where else you feel comfortable. The only conditions are that you have an internet connection, a laptop that meets the requirements and that there is no one else in the room with you. Learn more
Examination type: Multiple-choice questions
Number of questions: 40
Pass mark: 65% (26/40)
Open book: The GDPR text may be consulted throughout the exam. It is provided as an appendix to the digital exam. Candidates are required to bring their own copy for paper-based exams.
Notes: No
Electronic equipment/aides permitted: No
Exam duration: 120 minutes
Exam Fee: €200 + VAT
The Rules and Regulations for EXIN’s examinations apply to this exam.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 780.00
- € 420.00
- € 0.00
- € 360.00
- € 360.00
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 780.00
- € 0.00
- € 148.20
- € 780.00
- € 928.20
Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες
HRDA-approved seminars are exempted from VAT for eligible organisations applying for the HRDA subsidy. A 19% VAT will apply to seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy EXAM FEES (OPTIONAL): €245 + VAT
Τρίτη - 05 Νοε 2024
14:30 - 19:00
Ολύμπιος ΧριστοφήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Πέμπτη - 07 Νοε 2024
14:30 - 19:00
Ολύμπιος ΧριστοφήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Τρίτη - 12 Νοε 2024
14:30 - 19:00
Ολύμπιος ΧριστοφήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Πέμπτη - 14 Νοε 2024
14:30 - 19:00
Ολύμπιος ΧριστοφήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom
Τρίτη - 19 Νοε 2024
14:30 - 19:00
Ολύμπιος ΧριστοφήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom