The Essentials of Managing People
- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία - Soft Skills / Επικοινωνία - Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό (HR)

In today’s business reality which is fast paced, everchanging and thus complex and demanding, managers are under considerable pressure as more and more demands are made on them both at a cognitive and an emotional level. Today’s manager is tasked with delivering challenging results through others in a business context that is more demanding than ever before. And this challenge is propagated because the management models that have served well in the past, and the skills many managers may have already learned, do not seem to be supporting the new realities of the business landscape.
Whilst at a cognitive level academic qualifications and knowledge can provide managers with many of the technical competencies and subject knowledge to handle the day-to-day coordination and completion of their work, they remain largely unprepared for the challenges faced at an emotional and behavioural level when managing and leading people.
This critical aspect of management requires a new mind-set, a new approach and a new set of skills and competencies with which managers can successfully lead people to achieve personal, departmental and company goals. Today’s managers need to rethink their approach and find new ways to bring out the best in the people they deal with and in the situations, they find themselves in. They need to achieve results not by dictating, ordering or commanding people, as was the case in the past, but by motivating, engaging and inspiring them as a leader whom others believe in and trust to lead them forward.
This is a very different model to older management practices that prevailed in the past and that many managers are still relying on today. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can provide a framework and mindset with which the 21st Century Manager can succeed. Highlighted by the World Economic Forum as prerequisite for managerial success, and a key skill for the manager of 2022 and beyond EQ, encompasses a set of competencies which allow managers to better understand and manage emotions, impulses and behaviours in themselves and others. Using the competencies of emotional intelligence, managers can develop the correct mind-set and equip themselves with a plethora of tools, skills and techniques to harness their potential and safeguard their success.
This programme zeros-in on the competencies of emotional intelligence that will enable managers to run their departments on a day-to-day basis, develop their staff and enable the creation of a productive climate and corporate culture conducive to the growth and success of the business. Using learnings from the latest thinking and research in the fields of psychology management and neuroscience, the programme will challenge and stretch managers thinking as well as providing the opportunity for them to practice many of the skills taught.
The purpose of the current programme is to help managers nurture and refine their leadership mindset and emotional intelligence competencies to bring successful practices, techniques and tools to their everyday tasks and duties. Upon completion, participants will:
- Understand the importance of a leadership mindset and the link between this and emotional intelligence
- Recognise their own management style and the impact that this has on the behaviour, motivation and performance of those around them
- Realise the potential of cognitive diversity and know how to adapt their approach and communication style to maximize the effectiveness of their collaboration, regardless of the working style of the other person
- Recognise different leadership styles and the impact they can have in different situations
- Understand the power of empathy and how to use this as an effective leader to motivate, inspire and engage those around them
- Know how to positively influence and help others develop to their fullest potential
- Apply the learnings to improve their skills in a wide area of their day-to-day responsibilities including:
- Coaching and developing staff
- Delegating tasks and responsibilities
- Communication and providing direction
- Inspirational leadership
The programme is suitable for managers of all levels, who may or may not lead teams, including:
- Team Leaders, Supervisors and Managers looking to develop their management and leadership capabilities
- Experienced managers looking to update, reinforce and/or refine existing knowledge and skills
Training Outline
Introduction and Warm-up
The current business landscape and the need for new skills
- Developing a leadership mindset
- What is emotional intelligence and how can this assist managers and leaders
Developing Self-awareness
- Understanding emotions and their impact on leadership
- Recognising my style and preferences and how this affects those around me
- Appreciating that management style is a choice
- Self-management to be an effective manager
- Maintaining a positive outlook and applying optimism
Social awareness
- The importance of empathy – seeing things from other’s perspective
- Effective communication – it’s not just about information
Relationship management
- Building cooperative relationships with key stakeholders
- Helping others develop
- Exercising effective influence
Developing staff for tomorrow through effective use of:
- What is delegation and what is it not
- Barriers to delegation
- How to overcome these and delegate effectively
- Coaching as a style of management and as a way of thinking
- Coaching as a tool for effectively developing people
- How, and on what should managers give feedback
- A feedback model for effectively reinforcing or redirecting performance and behaviour
A variety of hands-on activities will be used throughout the course outlined above, enabling participants to practice, reflect and embed the knowledge and skills learnt so as to readily apply this to their jobs.
Training Style
This course is interactive in nature and participants will be actively involved, using their own experiences and challenges to reinforce and adapt the new knowledge and skills to their own reality, as well as examples, case studies and simulations provided by the trainer.
Use of self-assessments and reflective exercises will also allow participants to increase their self-awareness and provide opportunity for peer reflection and discussion.
All sessions will combine elements of PowerPoint presentations, Flip-chart notes, small group and open discussions, audio/visual material and experiential exercises.
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 14 CPD units in Management, Personal & Professional Development. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 550.00
- € 280.00
- € 0.00
- € 270.00
- € 270.00
Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ
- € 550.00
- € 0.00
- € 104.50
- € 550.00
- € 654.50
Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες
HRDA-approved seminars are exempted from VAT for eligible organisations applying for the HRDA subsidy. A 19% VAT will apply to seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy