IFC Creation & Exchange

- Καινοτομία/ Start Ups - Πληροφορική - Χρήστες - Κατασκευές/ Construction - Μηχανολογία, Βιομηχανία & Τεχν. Επαγγέλματα

21 Μαΐου 2025 09:00 04 Ιουν 2025 12:15 OnLine Virtual Classroom
12 ώρες ( 3 μέρες )
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IFC Creation & Exchange


With more and more BIM software evolving, there in a need for IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format, which is a standardized data model for building and construction information. With IFC we have improved data exchange and interoperability One of the main benefits of using the IFC file format is that it allows for the exchange of information between different software applications and stakeholders. This means that all parties involved in a construction project can access and use the same data, regardless of the software they are using. This is particularly useful when working with large and complex projects, as it helps to ensure that everyone has access to the latest information and that there are no discrepancies or misunderstandings.


At the end of this course, participants will be able

  • to create and export accurate IFC files from a variety of BIM software applications.
  • to validate and troubleshoot IFC files to ensure seamless data exchange and integrity.
  • to utilize IFC standards to enhance collaboration between stakeholders across multiple disciplines.
  • to understand and implement workflows for interoperability between different BIM tools effectively.
  • to manage large-scale projects efficiently by maintaining a common data environment using IFC.


  • BIM Coordinators – Professionals responsible for managing and coordinating BIM models across disciplines.
  • Architects – For creating interoperable designs and ensuring collaboration across software tools.
  • Civil and Structural Engineers – To integrate and review engineering details with architectural models.
  • Construction Project Managers – For effective communication and alignment across teams using shared data.
  • Facility Managers – To leverage IFC data for maintenance and lifecycle management of buildings.


Why Registering for This Course

The use of IFC standards is becoming an essential skill in the construction and building industry as projects grow in complexity and involve diverse stakeholders. This course equips participants with the practical knowledge and tools to seamlessly create, manage, and exchange IFC files across different platforms, ensuring improved collaboration, reduced errors, and enhanced project outcomes. Whether you're an architect designing the future or a project manager striving for precision, this course empowers you to harness the full potential of IFC, transforming the way you approach building information modeling and project delivery.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Ευγενία Γεωργίου Ποϊζάτ - Director/Trainer at UDC Training Center
Evyenia is the Director of UDC UDesignCyprus which is also a Certified Graphisoft Training Center and a Certified Testing Center for Adobe, Microsoft, and Autodesk. She delivers trainings to professionals and students alike in both Cyprus and Greece in either the Greek or English language for the following programs: Archicad, Twinmotion, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier Pro, Joomla, Wordpress, Autodesk Autocad and Autodesk ...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 370.00
  • € 240.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 130.00
  • € 130.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 370.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 70.30
  • € 370.00
  • € 440.30

Τετάρτη - 21 Μαΐου 2025


09:00 - 12:15


Ευγενία Γεωργίου Ποϊζάτ


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τετάρτη - 28 Μαΐου 2025


09:00 - 12:15


Ευγενία Γεωργίου Ποϊζάτ


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τετάρτη - 04 Ιουν 2025


09:00 - 12:15


Ευγενία Γεωργίου Ποϊζάτ


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : IFC Creation & Exchange

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