Kinanis Academy

Τομείς Εξειδίκευσης Διοργανωτή:

Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά

Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά

Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Πληροφορίες Διοργανωτή

Η Kinanis Academy εισέρχεται με γερές βάσεις στο τομέα της Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης στηριζόμενη από τη πλατφόρμα της MySeminars στη προώθηση των προγραμμάτων της. 

Η Kinanis Academy έχοντας την εμπειρία των στελεχών της Kinanis Law Firm έχει αφουγκραστεί τις σύγχρονες ανάγκες του νομικού κόσμου και των παρόχων υπηρεσιών γενικότερα και έχει σχεδιάσει τα πρώτα της σεμινάρια.

Απευθυνόμενη στους νομικούς και παρόχους υπηρεσιών της Κύπρου, η Kinanis Academy, ευελπιστεί να δώσει μέσα από τα προγράμματά της λύσεις σε θέματα που απασχολούν τους δικηγόρους και τα δικηγορικά γραφεία, ως επίσης και γενικότερα τον ευρύτερο κόσμο των παρόχων υπηρεσιών, όπως λογιστών, ελεγκτών και παρόχων διοικητικών υπηρεσιών και συναφών επαγγελμάτων. 

Οι συνεχείς παγκόσμιες εναλλαγές στο νομικό υπόβαθρο κυρίως στο τομέα των υπηρεσιών και οι ραγδαίες εξελίξεις στον τεχνολογικό τομέα που άμεσα επηρεάζουν την προσφορά υπηρεσιών, απαιτούν γρήγορη προσαρμογή και ευελιξία από τους επαγγελματίες και υιοθέτηση πρακτικών και τεχνολογιών που θα κάνει τους επαγγελματίες του τομέα, πιο ανταγωνιστικούς και αποτελεσματικούς στη δουλειά τους, στοιχεία που επιβάλλουν συνεχή ενημέρωση και γνώση. 

Η Kinanis Academy ευελπιστεί να καταστεί σύντομα ένα σημείο αναφοράς στην επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη των δικηγόρων και των συναφών επαγγελματιών. 

Η Kinanis Academy θα συνδυάσει την κάλυψη των μονάδων συνεχιζόμενης ανάπτυξης, που επιβάλλεται πλέον από το Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο για όλους του δικηγόρους και τις αντίστοιχες υποχρεώσεις συναφών επαγγελματιών, με την ευκαιρία για ουσιαστική ανάπτυξη των γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων των δικηγόρων, λογιστών, ελεγκτών και άλλων επαγγελματιών της χώρας μας χωρίς να παραγνωρίζει τις ανάγκες του ευρύτερου επαγγελματικού κόσμου στην προσφορά των υπηρεσιών.

Πιστοποιήσεις Διοργανωτή
Πιστοποίηση Διοργανωτή Φορέας Πιστοποίησης
Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης (ΚΕΚ)ΑνΑΔ
Η Εκπαιδευτική μας Ομάδα
Μαρία Παυλίδου
Μαρία Παυλίδου

Head of Compliance, Kinanis LLC


Επαγγελματική Κατάρτιση, Χρημ/κά - Fintech - Χρηματοδοτήσεις, Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Χρίστος Κινάνης
Χρίστος Κινάνης

Managing Partner, Kinanis LLC


Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία, Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Χαράλαμπος Μεϊβατζής
Χαράλαμπος Μεϊβατζής

Partner at Kinanis Law Firm– Head of Accounting Division


Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά, Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά, Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Νάταλι Πετρίδου
Νάταλι Πετρίδου

Partner at Kinanis Law Firm - Property / Liquidation / Immigration division


Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Δήμητρα Κωνσταντίνου
Δήμητρα Κωνσταντίνου

Partner at Kinanis Law Firm - Accounting and VAT department


Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά

Μάριος Παλέσης
Μάριος Παλέσης

Partner at Kinanis LLC - TAX Department


Φορολογικά, Λογιστική/Audit

Κώστας Αποκίδης
Κώστας Αποκίδης

Head of Litigation and Employment Department of KINANIS LLC


Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Μικαέλλα Χριστοφόρου
Μικαέλλα Χριστοφόρου

Associate Lawyer, Litigation Department at Kinanis LLC

Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Θεοδώρα Χαραλάμπους
Θεοδώρα Χαραλάμπους

Transfer Pricing Expert at Kinanis LLC


Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά, Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

Στέφανος Χαραλάμπους
Στέφανος Χαραλάμπους

Specialist in International Taxation & Corporate Finance


Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά

Άρτεμις Κυριάκου
Άρτεμις Κυριάκου

Manager, Accounting & VAT Department at Kinanis Law Firm


Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά, Φορολογικά

Άντρεα Ιωακείμ
Άντρεα Ιωακείμ

Partner, Corporate and Legal Department


Γιολάντα Ροτσίδη
Γιολάντα Ροτσίδη

Principal, Corporate and Legal Department


Τρέχοντα Σεμινάρια
GDPR Training and Awareness

This training refers to the Regulation 679/2016 of the European Commission on the Protection of Natural Persons against the Processing of Personal Data and on t...

10/04/2025 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Corporate Tax for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

Kinanis Academy organizes this is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particula...

14/05/2025 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Προγενέστερα Σεμινάρια
Mastering VAT in Cyprus: Goods vs. Services

Join our exclusive two-part seminar to demystify VAT treatment for goods and services in Cyprus. Designed for professionals, this seminar provides practical ins...

26/02/2025 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 26th of June, 2024, which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to be met for...

12/02/2025 14:30

3.50 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce that after the successful completion of our 7 previous sessions, we are now conducting another session of the training pr...

17/12/2024 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations & Updates: The practical approach

This seminar is part of the on-going training program which every firm is legally obliged to provide to its employees. The latest changes in the Anti-money L...

11/12/2024 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Corporate Tax for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

Kinanis Academy organizes this is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particula...

20/11/2024 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

The course aims to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to recognize the various legal and practical ...

18/11/2024 14:30

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Unlocking the Mysteries of VAT: Navigating Transactions with Immovable Property

Are you ready to demystify the complexities of Value Added Tax (VAT) when it comes to transactions involving immovable property? Look no further! Our comprehens...

05/11/2024 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Τερματισμός Απασχόλησης στη Κύπρο

Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα ασχολείται με το νομικό πλαίσιο και την πρακτική εφαρμογή του Περί Τερματισμού Απασχόλησης Νόμου (Ν. 24/1967) στην Κύπρο. Σκοπός...

30/10/2024 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

What to Expect from a Cross Border Tax Investigation in Cyprus

Cross-border tax investigations represent a challenging feat requiring detailed understanding of international tax laws, bilateral agreements, multilateral agre...

23/10/2024 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

GDPR Training and Awareness

This training refers to the Regulation 679/2016 of the European Commission on the Protection of Natural Persons against the Processing of Personal Data and on t...

19/09/2024 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

When Transfer Pricing Meets VAT

Transfer Pricing (TP) determines the pricing of transactions between related parties, ensuring they are conducted at arm's length. Value-Added Tax (VAT) is an i...

12/09/2024 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Unlocking the Mysteries of VAT: Navigating Transactions with Immovable Property

Are you ready to demystify the complexities of Value Added Tax (VAT) when it comes to transactions involving immovable property? Look no further! Our comprehens...

11/07/2024 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 26th of June, 2024, which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to be met for...

26/06/2024 14:30

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Termination of Employment in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 21st of June 2024, which deals with the legal framework and practical application of the Law...

21/06/2024 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Advanced VAT

The purpose of this program is to enhance the knowledge of the accountants, to meet the demands of their clients’ reporting requirements and acquire sufficient ...

13/06/2024 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Transfer Pricing - An Introduction to the Rules and Documentation Obligation

Transfer pricing is a challenging area in the field of international taxation with which multinational businesses performing intragroup transaction must comply....

24/04/2024 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Cyprus Corporate Taxation for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

Kinanis Academy organizes this is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particula...

10/04/2024 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce that after the successful completion of our 7 previous sessions, we are now conducting another session of the training pr...

03/04/2024 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

DAC 6 – Directive on Administrative Cooperation

This seminar is addressed to professionals who need to be able to identify who is an intermediary and which arrangement is considered as a cross border arrangem...

06/03/2024 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 8th & 9th April 2022 which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to be me...

15/02/2024 14:30

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Tax Investigations

Cross-border tax investigations represent a challenging feat requiring detailed understanding of international tax laws, bilateral agreements, multilateral agre...

14/02/2024 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

ΦΠΑ για Δικηγόρους

Το σεμινάριο έχει ως σκοπό να παρουσιάσει με απλές έννοιες σε ενδιαφερόμενους δικηγόρους, βασικές έννοιες της περί Φ.Π.Α νομοθεσίας, εξετάζοντάς την από τη σκοπ...

20/12/2023 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Updates – the Practical Approach

This seminar is part of the on-going training program which every firm is legally obliged to provide to its employees. The latest changes in the Anti-money L...

14/12/2023 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce that after the successful completion of our 7 previous sessions, we are now conducting another session of the training pr...

06/12/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Cyprus Corporate Taxation for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

Kinanis Academy organizes this is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particula...

04/12/2023 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Έξυπνα Συμβόλαια: Τεχνική και Νομική Προσέγγιση

Η τεχνική γνώση των εφαρμογών, δυνατοτήτων και περιορισμών των έξυπνων συμβολαίων καθίσταται επιτακτική εν όψει υφιστάμενων και επικείμενων Ευρωπαϊκών (MiCA - M...

21/11/2023 09:30

8.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


UoL Campus Limassol

Advanced VAT

The purpose of this program is to enhance the knowledge of the accountants, to meet the demands of their clients’ reporting requirements and acquire sufficient ...

15/11/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Transfer Pricing - An Introduction to the Rules and Documentation Obligation

Transfer pricing is a challenging area in the field of international taxation with which multinational businesses performing intragroup transaction must comply....

20/10/2023 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

ΦΠΑ στην Οικοδομική Βιομηχανία– VAT In The Construction Industry

Το πρόγραμμα έχει δημιουργηθεί για να καλύψει την ανάγκη των καταρτιζόμενων για συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση στις διάφορες συναλλαγές που γίνονται στην οικ...

17/10/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

The course aims to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to recognize the various legal and practical ...

11/10/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce that after the successful completion of our 7 previous sessions, we are now conducting another session of the training pr...

30/08/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Cyprus Corporate Taxation for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

Kinanis Academy organizes this is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particula...

05/07/2023 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Advanced VAT

The purpose of this program is to enhance the knowledge of the accountants, to meet the demands of their clients’ reporting requirements and acquire sufficient ...

21/06/2023 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Transfer Pricing - An Introduction to the Rules and Documentation Obligation

Transfer pricing is a challenging area in the field of international taxation with which multinational businesses performing intragroup transaction must comply....

15/06/2023 10:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

ΦΠΑ για Δικηγόρους

Το σεμινάριο έχει ως σκοπό να παρουσιάσει με απλές έννοιες σε ενδιαφερόμενους δικηγόρους, βασικές έννοιες της περί Φ.Π.Α νομοθεσίας, εξετάζοντάς την από τη σκοπ...

31/05/2023 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Updates – the Practical Approach

This seminar is part of the on-going training program which every firm is legally obliged to provide to its employees.The latest changes in the Anti-money Laund...

10/05/2023 09:00

4.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

The course aims to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to recognize the various legal and practical ...

03/05/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Διεύθυνση και Έλεγχος Εταιρειών

Φορολογία Κυπριακών και Αλλοδαπών Εταιρειών ΑTAD 3 και Συμβάσεις Αποφυγής Διπλής ΦορολογίαςΤο σεμινάριο αναλύει σε βάθος και με λεπτομέρεια, την έννοια της Διεύ...

27/04/2023 14:45

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

The course aims to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to recognize the various legal and practical ...

05/04/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Έξυπνα Συμβόλαια: Τεχνική και Νομική Προσέγγιση

Η τεχνική γνώση των εφαρμογών, δυνατοτήτων και περιορισμών των έξυπνων συμβολαίων καθίσταται επιτακτική εν όψει υφιστάμενων και επικείμενων Ευρωπαϊκών (MiCA - M...

29/03/2023 09:30

8.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Akamantis Business Center (Λευκωσία)

Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 8th & 9th April 2022 which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to be me...

08/03/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

DAC 6 – Directive on Administrative Cooperation

This seminar is addressed to professionals who need to be able to identify who is an intermediary and which arrangement is considered as a cross border arrangem...

31/01/2023 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce that after the successful completion of our 7 previous sessions, we are now conducting another session of the training pr...

18/01/2023 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

ΦΠΑ στην Οικοδομική Βιομηχανία– VAT In The Construction Industry

Το πρόγραμμα έχει δημιουργηθεί για να καλύψει την ανάγκη των καταρτιζόμενων για συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση στις διάφορες συναλλαγές που γίνονται στην οικ...

15/12/2022 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Updates for Lawyers

The latest changes in the Anti-money Laundering regulatory framework as well as the recent updates in the guidelines of our competent authorities create the nee...

14/12/2022 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

ΦΠΑ για Δικηγόρους

Το σεμινάριο έχει ως σκοπό να παρουσιάσει με απλές έννοιες σε ενδιαφερόμενους δικηγόρους, βασικές έννοιες της περί Φ.Π.Α νομοθεσίας, εξετάζοντάς την από τη σκοπ...

30/11/2022 09:00

4.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Both Kinanis Academy and Kinanis LLC firmly believe in the continuous development of specialized skills in the Law industry and as such are committed to offerin...

22/11/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

VAT Essentials

The purpose of this program is to provide a thorough understanding of the essential concepts and principles of VAT and how the VAT operates both internatio...

15/11/2022 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Updates – the Practical Approach

This seminar is part of the on-going training program which every firm is legally obliged to provide to its employees.The latest changes in the Anti-money Laund...

08/11/2022 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

VAT for Travel Agents and TOMS

Businesses buying in and re-selling travel, accommodation and certain other services must account for VAT using the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (‘TOMS’). Desp...

11/10/2022 09:00


Live Online

Cyprus Corporate Taxation for Lawyers and Non-Tax Specialists

This is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particular providing a good underst...

10/10/2022 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

DAC 6 – Directive on Administrative Cooperation

Professionals to which the seminar is addressed to need to be able to identify who is an intermediary and which arrangement is a cross border transaction entail...

27/09/2022 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures on Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Both Kinanis Academy and Kinanis LLC firmly believe in the continuous development of specialized skills in the Law industry and as such are committed to offerin...

21/09/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Tax Return

With Income Tax return deadline being around the corner it is essential for taxpayers to educate themselves how to submit their tax return....

06/07/2022 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Tax Return

With Income Tax return deadline being around the corner it is essential for taxpayers to educate themselves how to submit their tax return....

05/07/2022 09:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

VAT Essentials

The purpose of this program is to provide a thorough understanding of the essential concepts and principles of VAT and how the VAT operates both internatio...

23/06/2022 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Διεύθυνση και Έλεγχος Εταιρειών

Φορολογία Κυπριακών και Αλλοδαπών Εταιρειών ΑTAD 3 και Συμβάσεις Αποφυγής Διπλής ΦορολογίαςΤο σεμινάριο αναλύει σε βάθος και με λεπτομέρεια, την έννοια της Διεύ...

22/06/2022 15:00

3.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures of Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is currently offering a training program to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge and expertise to identify any...

08/06/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

The course aims to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in orderto recognize the various legal and practical p...

01/06/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Transfer Pricing - An Introduction to the Rules and Documentation

Transfer pricing is a challenging area in the field of international taxation with which multinational businesses performing intragroup transaction must comply....

11/05/2022 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 19 & 20 April 2022 which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to be met ...

19/04/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE - Legal and Practical Analysis of Due Diligence Procedures of Immovable Property Transactions in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is currently offering a training program to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge and expertise to identify any potential...

30/03/2022 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE - Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Framework and Compliance

This seminar is part of the on-going training program which every firm is legally obliged to provide to its employees. The latest changes in the Anti-money Laun...

02/03/2022 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE - ΦΠΑ στην Οικοδομική Βιομηχανία– VAT In The Construction Industry

Το πρόγραμμα έχει δημιουργηθεί για να καλύψει την ανάγκη των καταρτιζόμενων για συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση στις διάφορες συναλλαγές που γίνονται στην οικ...

24/02/2022 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE - Cyprus Corporate taxation for lawyers and non-tax specialists

This is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particular providing a good underst...

09/02/2022 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

VAT Updates – E-commerce Package rules coming into force in July 2021

The purpose of this training program is to update the participants of the E-commerce Package Rules. We shall provide an extensive interpretation of the new...

28/12/2021 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

Kinanis Academy is currently offering a training program to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to r...

20/12/2021 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

Kinanis Academy is currently offering a training program to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to r...

13/12/2021 21:04

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Advanced VAT Seminar

The purpose of this program is to enhance the knowledge of the accountants, to meet the demands of their clients’ reporting requirements and acquire sufficient ...

09/12/2021 09:00

7.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Anti-money laundering regulatory framework and compliance

This course aims to assist people working in the financial and non-financial industries to comply with anti-money laundering regulations understand how money la...

29/11/2021 10:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Headquartering and Relocation in Cyprus

Kinanis Academy is pleased to announce this training program on the 10th and 11th of November 2021 which deals with the requirements and conditions that need to...

10/11/2021 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Live OnLine Webinar - ΦΠΑ στην Οικοδομική Βιομηχανία– VAT In The Construction Industry

Το πρόγραμμα έχει δημιουργηθεί για να καλύψει την ανάγκη των καταρτιζόμενων για συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση στις διάφορες συναλλαγές που γίνονται στην οικ...

04/11/2021 09:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online

Live OnLine Webinar - Cyprus Corporate taxation for lawyers and non-tax specialists

This is a three - part training program with the objective of familiarising the participants with the Cyprus Tax Laws and in particular providing a good underst...

05/10/2021 09:00

9.00 ώρες (3 μέρες)


Live Online

Transfer Pricing - How to approach IP and Financing Transactions

Members of T.P. Alfa Services Limited, a company specializing on Transfer Pricing, are happy to offer a free webinar on Transfer Pricing. D...

21/07/2021 16:00

1.00 ώρες (1 ημέρα)


Live Online

LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - Liquidation of Companies - A Legal and Practical Analysis

Kinanis Academy is currently offering a training program to specifically provide its participants the required knowledge of liquidation procedures in order to r...

23/06/2021 15:00

6.00 ώρες (2 μέρες)


Live Online