Mission-oriented Strategic Planning For Business Development And Innovation

- Οργάνωση/ Διοίκηση/ Ηγεσία

01 Φεβ 2024 09:45 06 Φεβ 2024 14:45
20 ώρες ( 4 μέρες )
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Mission-oriented Strategic Planning For Business Development And Innovation


ATI Seminar & HR Solutions Training Centre in collaboration with Natasa Loizou Research & Consulting offer the training seminar “Mission-Oriented Strategic Planning For Business Development and Innova􀆟on”.

This program is considered of vital and top priority to the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) being the first program approved in Cyprus on strategic planning oriented on business development and innovation. It englobes 15 hours of in-person classroom training, in addition to 5 hours of in-house visit from the trainer, in the role of consultant at each company and organization, to provide support on how to apply the key elements of the program in the context of the business´s needs and demands.

Fundamentals of the Program's Priorities

Private business corporations and semi-private companies face the grand challenges of the XXI century on the economic, geopolitical, environmental, technological, and societal spheres. According to diverse international reports these challenges are related to markets transformation and consumer demand change, the conversion of capital interests, technological gaps between centre and periphery markets, business sectors facing the digital age, demands on sustainable and inclusive development and innovation, increasing public debts and economic dependence, surge and prolongation of conflict and war, proliferation of crime and cyber insecurity, economic and cost of living crisis, youth unemployment and gender inequality, poverty and demographic changes, environmental and health threats, concerns on the integral well-living of societies, amongst others.

Since the early 2000s, the grand challenge perspective is being applied in different countries in Europe and other parts of the world, promoted by international, regional, and sub-regional organizations for assisting different organizations, among them, business corporations, as well as medium and small companies, interested to initiate their planning cycles or to encounter new planning strategies. The main objectives of this perspective are to involve bottom-up or horizontal engagement within the private companies and outreach commitment with other private partners that conform a business sector or a value chain. The grand challenge perspective permits the business sectors to identify the contextual difficulties in the short and long term and encounter innovative strategies by incorporating in their planning cycles a new methodology titled “mission-oriented strategy” which seeks to generate results oriented on the sustainability, innovation, development, and growth needed by the emerging economies, such as the Cypriot.

The mission-oriented based planning came in as a novelty in the methodologies of strategic planning for innovation policies and market strategy and creation. It is sustained on the knowledge acquired from successful experiences in developed and developing countries, in a joint effort between private corporations, semi-private companies, semi-public agencies and other organizations with the impulse of entrepreneur States.

This strategy planning process and methodology proposes to generate the conditions for the different sectors to direct their efforts towards the strengthening and innovating of their capacities, repositioning the business actors and their products and services, shaping and making new markets, and offering better conditions for labour and consumers, as well as resolving jointly the challenges that local societies face, sharing the risks and rewards from successful strategy design and execution.

The training program intents to bring together private and semi-private actors from different sectors of the Cypriot economy in order to develop knowledge and practical capacities, as to the assessment of the mission-oriented planning strategy to be applied to private organizations, within the Cyprus and European context.

Why To Attend

Attending the seminar will contribute companies and organizations to design their own mission-oriented strategic business plan based on the necessities, capacities, market objectives and projections, under the perspective of the grand challenges of sustainable development. Training the company's and organisation's top executives will promote the incorporating of new management leadership, and can motivate the genera􀆟on of R&D and innovation capacities for the short, middle and long-term.


The overall purpose of the training program is to introduce and enlarge innovating knowledge and case study experiences of the implementation of the new paradigm of strategic planning for business strategic planning with an orientation towards market innovation and economic business development for private corporations and medium and small companies, and their managers. As such, the training program´s aim is to develop, deepen and upgrade integrally the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the participants on the mission-oriented strategic planning.

At the completion of the program, the trainees will be able to:

  • Define the mission-oriented innovation strategic planning framework, its basic concepts, its structure and methodology.
  • Describe the capacity-based planning and the project management strategy frameworks, their basic concepts, their structure and methodologies.
  • Diagram the paths to achieve long, middle and short-term planning for strategic and action business planning under the mission-oriented strategy.
  • Outline the application of the mission-oriented strategic planning framework and methodology in the planning process of private corporations and semi-private companies.
  • Select the current capacities and necessities of their company or organization regarding the business prospects, as a basis for the project portfolio and action planning development.
  •  Identify the capacity planning strategy/ies that the company needs to develop and innovate business organizational capacities that will construct the path to strategic planning.
  • Master the innovative characteristics of the mission-oriented strategic planning in integration to the capacity-based planning and the project management strategy.
  • Execute the application of the mission-oriented strategy framework through the incorporation of innovative leadership driven by mission management in business corporations.
  • Set up innovation projects for R&D introduction in the business´s production and commercial processes through the application of the mission-oriented strategy as a business transformation.


The program is oriented to participants who are shareholders, superior and top executives of private, semi-private companies and local organisations integrated in any of the economic sectors in Cyprus, being currently employed in the company registered for the training. In addition, the training is also open private consultants who meet the requirements and conditions of inclusion to the training programs.

The profiles of trainees expected to participate are the following:

  • Owners actively involved in their business.
  • Executive Board Members and General Managers
  • Directors or Managers in Directorates or Departments with responsibilities related to the development of the business:
  • Development Managers
  • Financial Department Managers
  • Administration and/or Human Resources Managers
  • Internal Audit or Management Evaluation Control Managers
  • Innova􀆟on or R&D Managers
  • Private consultants whose work portfolio is oriented to strategic planning, organizational transformation, innovation, and R&D promo􀆟on.
  • Private University and R&D centre´s directors, managers, and authorities.

The above-mentioned profiles are not exclusive, since each company/organization denominates differently these executive positions depending on its structural organization.

Participants are not required to have a certain academic profile and specific experience, nonetheless, in order to make the most of the training program there is a prerequisite of having basic knowledge of working within the private business and local organization sectors. Participants should have secondary level education, as a minimum requisite, and more than 5 years of work experience in the business sector.


Thematic Areas of Training

  • Strategic Planning
  • Mission-oriented Innovation
  • Business Development
  • Innovation production & commerce
  • R&D and technology innovation
  • Business and Organization Management

Language: The training will be developed in English, regarding the oral and written presentations, dialogues, interchange and comments, and the bibliographic resources, even though some exchanges and dialogues can be available in Greek.

Subscription to this programme

The training programme is approved by HRDA as of Vital Importance and therefore the participation fee of €2,000 per person is 100% funded.

Each company is funded for up to three participants. The listed costs concern grant beneficiaries

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2000.00
  • € 1700.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 300.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 2000.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 380.00
  • € 2000.00

Πέμπτη - 01 Φεβ 2024


09:45 - 14:45


ATI Seminar (Λευκωσία)

Δευτέρα - 05 Φεβ 2024


09:45 - 14:45


ATI Seminar (Λευκωσία)

Τρίτη - 06 Φεβ 2024


09:45 - 14:45


ATI Seminar (Λευκωσία)

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Mission-oriented Strategic Planning For Business Development And Innovation